Soft Skills

T/F-It is your principal's responsibility to check life skills accountability.

False.  You should be checking accountability regularly to ensure matches and completions are correct.


T/F. Our students come to us knowing what soft skills are and how to use them.

False.  A majority of our students are lacking soft skills.  They typically lack confidence and skills such as making eye contact.


T/F. Cards can be updated as little as once per month.

FALSE!  Cards should be updated daily but can be updated once per week.  


T/F-It is ok to have stray marks on the answer document.

False.  Stray marks interfere with the pattern of black circles that the computer is programmed to search for.


T/F-Post-tests can be scanned prior to the student drop date.

False!  If the test is scanned prior to the student being dropped, campus admin will need to reach out to OPS for assistance adjusting dates for a match.  Teachers can also rescan the scantron and it should match if scanned before the drop date.


T/F-Activities such as journaling and group/peer discussions develop soft skills.

True.  These activities are great for helping students put ideas into words and become more comfortable with having discussions.


T/F-Student SPRs will never be subpoenaed.

False.  It has happened.  This is why it is so important to have accurate information and documentation on the card.


T/F-Documents being scanned do not have to face the same direction.

False.  Documents should be aligned and facing the same direction.


Should spr cards be sent to the unit a student is transferring to if they have completed?

Unless there is a special circumstance, no.  Only students who have not completed should be sent to the student's new unit.


Which of the following is NOT an observed behavior change after consistently practicing soft skills?

Increased confidence in public speaking.

Increased emotional vocabulary.

Increased trust.

Increased profanity.

Increased critical thinking skills.

Increased profanity.  When practicing soft skills or role play, students should be observed and given constructive feedback.  Students should not be using profanity.


T/F-It is ok to use SPRs that have both MOCTS and MCAA at the bottom.

False.  The new cards should only be used and should only have one test at the bottom on Changes (MCAA) and the top for CIP (MOCTS).


T/F-Scanning less than 20 sheets at a time cuts down on scanning issues.

True.  This leaves less room for error.  You may scan multiple batches in one day.


T/F-Life skills scan reports should be accessed through the ATT intranet tab.

False.  Scan reports should be accessed through OPS--Lifeskills Scan Reports.


T/F-Soft skills are a cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, language, personal habits, interpersonal skills, managing people, etc. that characterize relationships with other people.

True!  A person lacking soft skills often has a difficult time gaining or keeping employment.


T/F-On Friday instructional packets, the date should be placed on the front of the card in the appropriate module and lesson.

False.  Fridays should be documented on the back of the card since we only send supplemental material for Fridays.


T/F-When looking at documents, they should be face-up and upside-down (turned the opposite way you would read it) as you place into the scanner tray.

False.  Documents should be face-up and you should be able to read them as you place into the scanner tray.


You have several students showing who have never been on your campus.  Are these students hurting your accountability?  (ex. unit code scanned wrong)

No, per Jamie Duke, these students do not hurt your accountability.


T/F-Soft skills are imbedded in lifeskills content.

Yes.  Soft skills are found in journaling, discussions, team-building activities, and role plays as well as the resume/interview in changes.


T/F-It is not necessary to have post-test scores/dates entered at the end of each module.

False.  Dates and scores should be entered.  If the student has transferred, reach out to the accepting unit and ask them to give the test.


T/F-You can scan documents and email to yourself to ensure the copier scan function is working correctly.

True.  This is good practice to ensure the copier is not in need of maintenance and scanning marks or lines that are not on the documents.