Interpersonal skills
Transferable School skills
Affective strategies
Key attributes

How to improve interpersonal skills?

a) Practice

b) Plan what you want to say

c) you can't improve interpersonal skills

d) Both a & b

d) Both a & b


What is planning useful for in School?

In school, planning can help keep a schedule balanced. Knowing when everything is (sports, after-school activities, homework, etc.) is important so that a student is not overwhelmed by their work.


What do work and school have the most in common?

a) Both have long hours and are always hard to complete tasks

b) Both require tasks to be done on time and done well & both require being able to work well with others

c) Both school and work ask the employees/students to complete long hard tasks for no reason.

b) Both require tasks to be done on time and done well & both require being able to work well with others


How can one improve life skills?

One way is to set goals that you can meet so that you can slowly improve in increments.

What does a potential boss/employer look for in a candidate?

a) Depends on the employer and job

b) All look for being able to communicate

c) All look to be organized

d) All look for having a good time management

a) depends on the boss and the job


What do Interpersonal skills do?

Help people communicate throughout a company to make sure everything runs smoother.

What is planning useful for in the real world?

Planning helps stay organized 


Why are work and school so similar?

Work and school are so similar becuase they require a lot of the same skills such as communication, organization, etc.

How can you become a better planner?

Write down what you need to do (use a planner of some sort)


What does having key attributes help with?

a) Helps /with time management

b) doesn't help at all

c) Helps to stay organized and be able to plan better

c) Helps stay organized and plan better


Why are interpersonal skills important?

Employees and employers need to be able to communicate with one another in order to get work done effectively and efficiently


Why is planning important?

Helps keep life organized and without chaos.


What are 3 of the most important skills people learn in school that help them in the real world?

Active listening




How can you use life skills for a job/job interview?

If you are confident and good at speaking to/with others as well as have acquired good habits from school, a potential employer will see that and be more likely to hire you.


What are the top 3 attributes employers look for in candidates?





Best 3 keys to improving interpersonal skills?

1) Maintain positive attitude

2) Show empathy towards others

3) Practice


What does planning do to help with life skills?

a) always helps people stay motivated

b) helps to prevent unwanted outcomes

c) helps stay organized which also helps with time management

d) all of the above

c) helps stay organized which also helps with time management


Why is it important to get into good habits in school?

Many skills that school tries to teach students are easily transferable to the real world. If you get into good habits early, then you will be set up well for the future.

What has been proven to be the most effective strategy to improve life skills?

being self-aware and confident are good tools for improving all life skills.


Why is having key attributes important?

When you are making a first impression employers look to see what attributes you have and usually make a decision based on the fact that having good skills that a boss will notice is important for getting hired.