Social Skills
Life Skills
Social skills
Health/social skills
Safety/social skills

True or False: It's good manners to greet people when they walk into the room.

True. Greeting someone makes them feel cared for and is a polite thing to do.


True or false: Fingernails grow faster than toenails.



If you could create your own holiday, what would it be and how would you celebrate?

Answers vary.


What makes someone a friend?

Someone that you like spending time with and likes spending time with you.  You usually have something in common or like/dislike the same things


True or False: Every Fruit Loop tastes the same.

True. Every Fruit Loop tastes the same - color doesn't matter.


True or False:  It is OK to look into someone's belongings when they aren't looking. 

FALSE. It is never OK to go through someone else's belongings, especially when they aren't looking.


If someone has something you want to use you should take it?

No. You should ask if you can play or use it when they are finished.


List 3 ways to be a good friend?

Listen to your friend, show interest in their interests, share your toys, do nice things for them, care about their feelings.


Name 3 healthy fruits or vegetables. 

Bananas, Oranges, Apples, Pears, Strawberries, Broccoli, Celery, Carrots, Cucumber.


True or false: When playing cards or a board game, it is alright to scream and yell when you lose. 

False. It's okay to feel angry inside, but not okay to scream. It is important to be a good sport and congratulate the winner. Remember it is just a game and it's important to use your good sportsmanship-like conduct. 


True or False: It is OK to take other people's things without them knowing.

False: You should always ask if you can use something that doesn't belong to you.


True or False: When I finish my work at school I can make all the noise I want while I wait for others to finish.

What is FALSE. You need to respect everyone and wait quietly or call for your teacher.


True or false: If you don't like someone, tell them you hate them.

False.  It is never acceptable to tell someone you hate them.  It is always important to respect others.


Why is it important to take a bath or a shower?

So that our bodies are clean, healthy and don't smell bad/offensive to ourselves and others around us. 


True or false: It is okay to ask someone you don't know well for personal information?

False. It's ok to share personal information with people important and close to you.


When I talk about dinosaurs with my friends, it's okay to keep talking about my dinosaurs, even if they are not responding.

You can say up to 3 things about a subject and if your friend doesn't respond, you need to change the subject.  

Challenge: try this now.


If someone at school has upset me by something they have said or done, what should I do?

If you are comfortable, you can tell the person what bothers you or you can talk about it with your teacher. 


True or False: The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.



True or False:  There are more tigers in Texas than in the wild.



True or false: If a police officer asks me for my address or my parents' names, it is okay to tell them.

True.  Police officers are usually considered "safe" adults


Is it okay to burp out loud around other people?

No. It is not polite.  If you do need to burp, cover your mouth and say, "Excuse me". 


If you are having a bad day or are upset, what are three things you can do to help yourself?

Answers vary


If someone is upset what should you do?

You can tell them you are sorry they are sad, you can ask what can you do to help, and/or you can tell an adult.


If you could have super strength OR super speed, which would you pick and why?

Answers vary.


What are 2 reasons that you shouldn't pick your nose.

It's dirty and spreads germs. And it's not acceptable behavior.