Stranger Danger
Fire Safety
Staying Calm
Money Skills
Kitchen Skills

You should be cautious about

talking to strangers.



You should never play with...

Anything that can start a fire. (matches, lighters, candles, appliances)


When you feel scared you should...

Take deep breaths of clean, fresh air.


What should I think about before going shopping?

Knowing how much money I have and how much I can spend. Setting a budget.


What are the two types of ingredients you might need to measure when cooking or baking?

Dry ingredients and Liquid Ingredients.


If a stranger is making you uncomfortable you should

tell an adult who trust.


You should know the sound of....

Your smoke detector and fire alarm.


Step 1 of the staying calm method is...

STOP. Pause and take a deep breath of CLEAN FRESH air.


Where do I need to go in the grocery store when I finish shopping but before I can leave?

I need to pay for my items at the Cash Register!


What tools could you use to measure flour?

Measuring cups or measuring spoons.


If you are playing a video game online and a stranger asks for information about you or your family you should...

Get off the game and tell a trusted adult.


If your clothes catch on fire you should....

Stop. Drop. and Roll.


Step 2 of the Stay Calm method is...

THINK: What are my options? What should I do?


If I have 1 $20 bill, 2 $10 bills, 1 $5 bill and 2 $1 bills and 5 Quarters, how much money do I have in all? (YOU CAN USE YOUR CALCULATOR TO FIGURE THIS OUT)



What tools could you use to measure milk or water?

Measuring glasses, measuring cups and measuring spoons.


If you are home alone and someone knocks on your door who you do not know you should...

Not answer the door and tell a trusted adult.


If there is smoke in the room you should...

Get low and GO!


Step 3 of the Stay Calm Method is....

ACT: Choose the best option. Act calmly and carefully and change your mind if you need to.


If my groceries cost $50.25, do I have enough money to pay for everything if I have $48.25?

No, I don't have enough. :(


What are the MOST important things to remember before cooking or handling any food or tools in the kitchen?

Make sure your hands are washed and you have a big enough work area that is safe and clean. Ask an adult to be present and help if needed!


If you are walking down the street and a stranger offers you a snack or to give you a ride home you should...

NEVER take anything or get in the car with a stranger. Run away and get help as fast as you can


You should have a  __________ with your family in case of a fire.

Family Escape Plan.


In step 1, what should you NOT do if there is a fire? 

Take a deep breath. ( You should wait until you can take a deep breath of CLEAN, FRESH air)


What should you do if you don't have enough money to pay for your groceries? 

You will not be able to buy everything. Stay calm and ask the cashier for help if you need it.  


When getting ready to cook in the kitchen, what are some of the skills you need to use?

- using focus and staying calm

-problem solving

-cleaning skills

-fire safety skills

-organization/ planning skills

-communication skills

-following directions

-Math skills (telling time, money skills, measuring)