Problem Solving
Money Skills
Time Skills
Calendar Skills
Just for Fun

You saw a student take something that does not belong to them. What should you do? 

Answers vary. Here are some options:

- Tell the student that they should return the item so they do not get into trouble.

- Report it to an adult. 


What does "hit the hay" mean in this sentence:

It is getting late, so I am going to hit the hay.

It is time to go to bed.

It is time to go to sleep. 


You buy a soda for $2.00 and a bag of chips for $4.00. How much money did you spend? 

Hint: You need to add

$2.00 + $4.00 = $6.00


                           What time is it?



    What day of the week does March 23rd fall on?



Snow White and the ______ Dwarfs. 



The student next to you is annoying you because you are in a bad mood, so you say something mean to them. You see you hurt their feelings. What should you do? 

Answers will vary. Here are some examples:

- Say you are sorry.

- Tell them you did not mean to hurt their feelings. 


What does "I am all ears" in this sentence:

I am all ears once the teacher starts talking.

I am listening closely.

I am paying attention. 


You want to buy a video game for $27.00. Do you have enough money? 

Hint: Add up how much money you have first

No - This is $26.00


                           What time is it?



     What day of the week comes after Thursday? 



Who is the original singer of the song titled "Hello"? 

There are two possible answers:

Adele and Lionel Ritchie 


You want to use the computer, but someone else is already on it. What can you do? 

Answers may vary. Here are some options: 

You can ask the person if you may have a turn when they are done. 

You can wait a little while and then check to see if the person is done. 

You can use a different computer. 

You can find a different activity to do. 


What does "open book" mean in this sentence:

I will answer your questions because my life is an open book.

I have no secrets. 

I have nothing to hide. 


              How much money do you have:



                           What time is it? 



        The new Trimester begins March 18th. 

       What day of the week does that all on?



           Who are these video game characters? 

Donkey Kong and Diddy


You want to talk with the teacher or another adult, but that person is talking with someone else. What can you do? 

Answers may vary. Here are some options: 

You can wait until the teacher or adult is done talking with the other person.

You can say, "Excuse me" and wait until the teacher or adult is ready to listen. 


What does "tip of my tongue" mean in this sentence:

When the teacher asked me a question, the answer was on the tip of my tongue. 

I can almost think of the answer. 

I can almost give an answer, but could not find the right words. 


You go to the store to buy things to make a sandwich. How much do you need?

Bread - $3.89

Peanut Butter - $2.99

Jelly - $1.99

Hint: You need to add


+ 2.99

+ 1.99




                             What time is it?




       What will the date be one week from today? 

Varies - depends on the day this is played.

Played on March 4th - the answer is March 11th 


Who sings the song "No Excuses"? 

Meghan Trainor 


Another student keeps asking you to play with them over and over again, but you want to do something else. What can you do?

Answers may vary. Here are some examples:

Using a calm voice, tell that person you do not want to play that game right now. 

Using a calm voice, tell that person that you would like to have some time to yourself. 


What does "a little birdie told me" mean in this sentence:

I know what you did because a little birdie told me.

Someone told me a secret. 


You have $10.00. You buy:

A sandwich for $4.50

A cookie for $1.00

A soda for $2.00. 

How much money you have left over?

Hint: First, add how much everything costs. Then, subtract from how much money you have. 

$10.00 - $4.50 = $5.50

$5.50 - $1.00 = $4.50

$4.50 - $2.00 = $2.50 Left


                                It is now

             What time will it be in three hours?



Today is March 4th. How many more Thursdays will there be this month? 


March 11th

March 18th

March 25th 


                What book/movie is this from?

Charlotte's Web


Someone says something that annoys or upsets you. 

What should you do?

What should you not do? 

Answers may vary. Here are some examples: 

What you should do: 

Ask the person to not say that, calmly tell the person that bothers you, just ignore the person, or ask an adult to help. 

What you should not do:

Do not argue, say something rude back, or yell at that person. 


What does "turn the other cheek" mean in this sentence:

Even though Kim says things that annoy me, I am just going to turn the other cheek so I do not get in trouble, too. 

To ignore it when someone does or says something to upset you.

To not doing anything back when someone does or says something to upset you. 


You have $100 dollars in your piggy bank. You want to buy a movie for $25 and a new sweatshirt for $30.00. Do you have eough money left over to buy a $50.00 Nerf toy? 

Hint: Add what you want to buy

$100 - $25 = $75

$75 - $30 = $45

No, you do not have enough money to by a Nerf toy. 


                           What time is it? 



 What will the date be three weeks from March 8th? 

March 29th 


             What movie/book is this from?

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


You are playing a game on the computer, but the teacher tells you it is time to work on an assigment. 

What should you do? 

What should you not do?

Answers may vary. Here is an example of a correct response:

You should: You can quietly begin your work. When you finish ask the teacher nicely if you can go back to your game. 

You should not: Yell at the teacher, complain, or refuse to do your work. 


What does "a bee in her bonnet" mean in this sentence:

She sure has a bee in her bonnet today!

Something is bothering her. 


You have already saved $80. 

You owe your friend $90 and your cousin $20. 

How much more do you need to pay both people back? 

Hint: Add what you owe. Then, subtract what you have.

What you owe: $90 + $20 = $110

 $110 - $80 = $30

You need $30 more dollars. 


It is 1:30 and the game starts at 4:30. 

How many hours will it be until the game starts?

3 hours


You have an appointment in two weeks and three days. It is March 5th. So, what is the date of your appointment? 

Monday, March 22nd


                What movie is this picture from?

Mrs. Doubtfire