Expected vs Unexpected Behaviors
What's that zone?
Coping Skills
Just for fun?

A student walks into a quiet classroom where students are taking a test and starts talking loudly about their weekend. Is this expected or unexpected? 



What are the four zones of regulation?

Blue, Green, Yellow, and Red


Name one coping skill.



You have only seen this person walking down the hallway. Would it be appropriate to invite them to your birthday party?

No, because they are a stranger


What is the school mascot?



A student finds a math problem difficult. They take a deep breath and raise their hand to ask the teacher for help. Expected or unexpected? 



What zone might you be in if you feel sad?

Blue zone


Its finals week and you have used a fidget for your coping skill and its no longer working. What do you do?

Taking deep breaths, going for a walk, talking with a friend and more


What are things to look for when making a new friend?

Similar interests, similar behaviors, have a personality similar to yours, makes us feel comfortable, has shared experiences


What are the school colors?

red, black & white


You're going to a basketball game with your friend. What would be an expected behavior? 

Having a foam finger, cheering on the team, talking with your friends, and many more!


You have a test coming up that you feel unprepared for. You have a bad grade in that class and are scared of failing. What zone might you be in?

Yellow (maybe red or blue too)


You have to give a presentation in English class. What is a coping skill you can use right before its your turn?

grounding exercise, finger breathing and more


This person is someone who you talk to every once in a while. You might hang out with them after school, but only in a group setting.



Who is the principal?

Gwen Hansen-Vigil


Your friend asks to sit with you at lunch, what would be an unexpected behavior or response?

Staring at them and not saying anything, telling them to go away, telling them yes and walking away, and many more!


You had a really great weekend and you are still talking about it. What zone would you be in?

What is yellow.


A friend is upset with you and no longer wants to be your friend. You are feeling angry. What coping skill(s) can you use?

hit a pillow, exercise or go for a walk, ride your bike, vent to a trusted adult


You have a new friend that you enjoy seeing. They always ask you to hang out, you haven't ever asked them. You haven't heard from them recently. To keep the friendship going do you reach out to them, or do you wait for them to reach out to you?

its your turn to reach out, friendship goes both ways


What is the name of the mascot? (not the Eagle)

Rowdy the Raptor


You joined the chess club and have been on a winning streak. Someone finally beats you and ruins your streak. What would be an expected behavior? What would be an unexpected behavior?

Expected: Tell them good game, take a deep breath to calm yourself, shaking their hand, and more!

Unexpected: Throwing the game, flipping the table, screaming at them, and more!


You are going to perform in the school play. You are both nervous and excited. What zone would you be in?

Yellow (maybe red if it's really intense) 


A teacher calls on you in class and you realize you weren't listening. You feel embarrassed. What coping skill do you use?

self-advocacy- asking for help, asking them to repeat the question. saying I don't know.


You found out that your close friend has been talking about you behind your back. How do you solve this problem?

use a calm tone, use appropriate language, talk to them about it, decide if they want to remain friends with this person


What year did the building open?