What animal do you I have at home?
Bonus points if you know her name
Places our phones can be
What is...in the phone caddy or in my pocket
What is the brain break at the start of class for?
To quietly get my mind right for class (chat quietly in my seat, read, take a nap, play a quick game on my computer)
What is the first R in the SLMS Way
Be Respectful
What type of music do I like?
Rock, hip hop, or country
Can I leave my things in the classroom/desks?
No, things will be thrown away or turned into lost in found
Where can I borrow a pencil if I need one?
The silver pencil dispenser on Mr. D-V's desk
What is the second R in SLMS Way
Be Responsible
What is my favorite dessert?
Bonus points if you can be specific
Ice cream (Cookies and cream/Mint)
How do I know what I will need for class that day?
Looking at the materials needed on the board
How does the talking dice work?
If I have it I can talk, If I don't then I should listen
What is the third thing in our SLMS Way
Build positive relationships
What sport do I coach at Buena Vista University?
Men and Women's soccer (specifically goalies)
What is the noise maker challenge?
whichever class sets it off the LEAST amount of times wins a prize at the end of the Hex
If I turned in a paper but it shows as missing in infinite campus. Where should I look first?
On the tan cabinet where the no named work goes
What kinds of video games do I like to play?
FPs or RPGs
Where can I look to know what we are working on in class?
The what, why, how board.
When should I make e-hall passes?
During the brain break at the start of class or during my own work time. NOT while Mr. D-V is teaching.