Coping Skills
Healthy Living

A state of nonjudgmental awareness of what’s happening in the present moment, including the awareness of one’s own thoughts, feelings, and senses.

What is Mindfulness?


Gives your brain the opportunity to process information and organize it into manageable chunks by writing about personal experiences. Some of the many benefits of  includes improved mental wellbeing and the reduction of uncomfortable emotions.

What is Journaling?


When a person prioritizes the needs, wants, and feelings of others, even at their own expense. The person does not express their own needs, or does not stand up for them. This can lead to being taken advantage of, even by well meaning people who are unaware of the passive communicator’s needs and wants.

What is Passive Communication?


Physical or psychological symptoms when not using the substance

What is Withdrawal? 


Exercising, Getting an adequate amount of sleep, Medical Compliance (e.g. taking medications as prescribed and attending appointments) and  Healthy eating are all examples of?

What is a Healthy Lifestyle?


A relaxation technique where you purposefully take slow, deep breaths. When practiced regularly it provide both immediate and long-term relief from stress and anxiety.

What is Deep Breathing?


To buy yourself time during a craving by distracting yourself for some time. By using this skill you will have a much better chance of avoiding relapse.


Some activities include: going for a walk, calling a friend, playing a game, watching a movie and drawing. 

What is Diversion?


With this form of communication a person expresses only their own needs, wants, and feelings matter. The other person is verbally/physically abused, bullied, and their needs are ignored.

What is Aggressive Communication?


A disease involving continued substance use despite significant substance-related problems. This disease involves the loss of control over substance use, social and occupational problems, risky use, and physical problems.

What is Addiction? 


Taking time to take care of yourself by doing the things you enjoy. When used consistently, this can reduce stress, relieve uncomfortable emotions, and improve physical health.

What is Self Care?


This exercise includes paying close attention to physical sensations throughout your body. The goal isn’t to change or relax your body, but instead to notice and become more aware of it.

What is Body Scan?


The help provided by other people, such as family, friends, groups, and communities. This help can fulfill emotional, tangible, informational, or social needs.

What is Social Support?


This form of communication emphasizes the importance of both peoples’ needs. A  person stands up for their own needs, wants, and feelings, but also listens to and respects the needs of others.

What is Assertive Communication?


Returning to regular substance use after a period of sobriety

What is Relapse?


Limits and rules that people set for themselves in relationships. This includes saying “no” when they want to. 

What is Healthy Boundaries?


A mindfulness practice where you make a conscious effort to notice the present moment through each of your senses.

What is Five Senses?


A technique used for managing one’s own unwanted behaviors. Rather than giving in to an urge, a person learns to ride it out. After a short time, the urge will pass on its own. 

What is Urge Surfing?


Examples of this form of communication includes:

· Soft spoken / quiet 

· Allows others to take advantage

 · Prioritizes needs of others 

· Poor eye contact / looks down or away 

· Does not express one’s own needs or wants

 · Lack of confidence

What is Passive Communication?


Used in specific cases for symptom management, is most effective when paired with therapy

What is Medication?


Lack of this causes brain functioning to slows down, memory impairment, higher frequency of accidents, increased stress and health issues such as weight gain and increased blood pressure. 

What is Sleep?


Two components of Mindfuless include: 

What is Awareness and Acceptance?


This refers to challenging thoughts not based on reason, logic, or understanding. For example, the thoughts that “something bad will happen” or “I will make a mistake” might lack evidence, but still have an impact on how you feel. By examining the evidence, you can reduce anxiety.

What is Challenging Irrational Thought?


Examples of this form of communication includes:

· Listening without interruption 

· Clearly states needs and wants 

· Willing to compromise

· Confident tone / body language

 · Good eye contact  

What is Assertive Communication?


Meet with peers who are also in recovery and participate in a social environment free of substances.  

What is Support Groups?


Involves connecting a new habit to an existing one, then rewarding the successful completion of the task. 


This technique is an important part of working toward long-term goals and provides guidance for creating and maintaining new habits.

What is Habit Planning?