Name three characteristics of a healthy relationship...
Good boundaries
Feeling safe/ supported/ appreciated
This is the date when Federal and State taxes are traditionally due...
April 15th
Name three ways to help prevent pregnancy...
Birth Control Pills (when taken correctly)
Vaginal Ring
An estimate of one's income and expenses over a certain period of time
A budget.
What parts of your body are most likely to develop body odor? What makes B.O. smell bad? How can you prevent it?
Ears, Pits, Privates, Feet
B.O. is caused by excrement of bacteria eating the sweat in these areas
Showering daily, deodorant, antiperspirant
Name three ways to save money when grocery shopping... None of them can be "don't go."
Compare prices
Make a list
Pay attention to advertising
Buy in bulk when able
Menu plan
Don't shop hungry