Nice and Neat
Smart and Safe
Say and Spell
Move and Groove

What could you do when your parent or a grown up asks you to clean up your room? 

Clean up your room.

When is it ok to help a grown up? 

If it is a grown up you know and they are one of your trusted adults. 


What is this sign and what does it mean.  Look at Mrs. Shaffer. 

Danger - Poison - make you really sick and can hurt you. Don't touch. 


Show a way you would say stop!

Raise up your hand and say stop.


When you are told it is time to go to bed, what could you do? 

Go to Bed.

When is it safe to touch a really sharp object (knife or scissors) at home or school? 

When you have been given permission.  Remember to be safe when using a sharp object. 


What does this sign say and what does it mean? 

Look at Mrs. Shaffer.



Whistle, snap or clap your hands and say your first and last name. 

Students first and last name. 


if you feel like you have something in your nose, what could you do? 

Get a tissue and blow your nose. 


Should you ever talk to a person (stranger) you do not know. 

You should not talk to people (stranger) you do not know. 


What does this sign say and mean? Look at Mrs. Shaffer

Bike Lane - ride bike in this lane.

Show us how you look both ways before crossing a street. 

Look left and right. 


If you are at someone's party or special event  and you see a pile of presents, who gets to open them? 

The person who is having the special event or party. 


If a stranger offers you food or ride home, what should you do? 

Say NO! and find help.  Always tell a teacher or parent if a stranger is bothering you. 

What does this sign say and mean? Look at Mrs. Shaffer

Buckle Up - put on your seatbelt

Do one exercise that you like to do for PE/APE. Count up to 5.  (Push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, stretch)

Student does one activity - counts up to 5.


If you want the last cookes and you have already had one, what could you do? 

Make sure everyone has had a cookie then ask if anyone  would like to share the last one. 


If you find a can, box, or bottle and you do not know what is in it, what could you do? 

Don't touch it.  Make sure you tell a parent or teacher. 


What does this sign say and mean?

Men's Restroom - only boys or men can use this restroom. 

Tell everyone something that makes you angry and show us you best angry/mad face. 

Student shares an item that makes them angry and shares their best angry/mad face.