Grocery Shopping

What is the first step in doing laundry?

Sorting your clothes into whites, darks, delicates


What is a W-2 form?

The forms each employer must send you by January 31st showing the amount of taxes withheld from your paychecks over the course of the previous year. You need these to file your taxes.


How do you know what oil your car takes?

Check the gas cap door for a sticker or the manual your car came with. Google for the manual if you do not have the physical manual.


Should you buy more or less food than you need?

Less, you can always go back but you waste money if food spoils


What common spices should you always have on hand?

salt, pepper, Italian seasoning, garlic powder, garlic salt, basil (better fresh!), red pepper flakes, and oregano.

Other common flavor additives: rosemary, thyme, garlic, cayenne pepper, vanilla (great in pancakes!)


What should you check before running the dryer EVERY time?

The lint trap. It can start a fire if not cleaned out.


What is a W-4 form?

The form you fill out for your employer when you are hired to say how many dependents you have. It helps to determine how much should be withheld from your paychecks.


hat tools do you need to change a tire?

A jack and a lug wrench.


Where do you find the healthiest food in the store?

Along the perimeter


How do you make scrambled eggs

Break eggs into bowl, whisk or stir till fully mixed, add milk (optional), pour into heated pan, DO NOT WALK AWAY, use spatula to keep moving eggs around and scraping off the bottom until they are the desired consistency.


What dryer cycle is one that can be used for almost anything you wear?

The Permanent-Press cycle can be used for almost any clothing.


What is the 1040 form?

This is an individual income tax return form. You may use the 1040-EZ form if you barely have deductions. WHAT ARE DEDUCTIONS?


What do you do if your tire blows while you are driving?

Slow down, put your turn signal on so you can pull to the side of the road safely.


What are the steps to planning for grocery shopping?

Make a list, make a budget, get your reusable bags, have a quarter if you’re going to Aldi’s


Why should you preheat a pan before you start cooking?

If you're cooking with a cold pan, your veggies or meat starts to steam, instead of sear or sauté, as it heats up. And if that happens, you'll end up with a mushy plate of hard work gone done the drain.

How you do it: Turn on your stove, put your pan on, prep some ingredients and in no time at all, your pan will be ready to go.


Why do you need to be careful when choosing hot or cold cycles when washing?

Dyes run and clothes shrink


Where do you go to file your taxes?

Online to Turbo Tax, H&R Block or another tax prepare OR to an office with tax preparers. You pay to have your taxes done. It typically costs more in-person than online. If you choose online, you typically do everything on your own; however, they now have people online to help answer questions (which may or may not cost more). Average cost for an accountant or a CPA is $150-$500. TurboTax does have a free version for those with simple tax situations.


How do you know which side of the car your gas tank is?

The picture of the tank with the arrow by your gas gauge.


Are frozen veggies as good as fresh veggies?

Yes, they retain nutrient and last longer in the freezer. Canned veggies are a big NO NO unless a specific recipe calls for them. 


Are olive oil and vegetable oil interchangeable?

Yes...and no. Use olive oil when you want its flavor in a dish and for moderate-heat cooking. Choose a vegetable oil when you want a cleaner flavor and for high-heat cooking.

If you find yourself out of the oil called for in your recipe, we’ve found these oils can be used interchangeably the majority of the time. For safety reasons, just pay attention to your heat when cooking with olive oil.


How do you quickly freshen clothes or attempt to get wrinkles out?

Put them in the dryer on the timed setting for 15 minutes OR steam them in the bathroom (let hot water run in shower).


What is a standard tax deduction?

Tax deductions allow individuals and companies to subtract certain expenses from their taxable income, which reduces their overall tax bill. The tax system gives you a choice of adding up all of your deductible expenses—and providing evidence of those expenses to the IRS upon request—or simply deducting a flat amount, no questions asked. That flat amount is called a "standard deduction." The amount of your standard deduction depends on the filing status you qualify for. In 2020 for example, single taxpayers and married taxpayers who file separate returns can claim a $12,400 standard deduction.


How long and how fast can you drive on a donut?

50-70 miles MAX and 50 MPH MAX


How often should you clean out your fridge?

Every 3 – 4 months


How do you roast vegetables?

Preheat over to 375, veggies and place on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil, salt, pepper, and other spices you may like (garlic or rosemary sprigs for example), bake for 45 minutes until lightly browned.