Adding Prices
Job Skills
Food Nutrition
Workplace Behavior
If John buys a gallon of milk for $3.89 and a dozen of eggs for 2.79, how much is the total cost?
Most jobs require a ________ diploma
Name three fruits or vegetables
apples, carrots, bananas, blueberries, pineapples, lettuce, spinach, watermelon, kiwi, etc.
What is one way you should determine how you should dress?
Weather, occasion, comfort, etc.
Name three behaviors that would be inappropriate in any workplace:
Swearing, fighting, spitting, leaving work whenever you want etc.
If Tim buys a pair of pants for $11.00, a shirt for $8.00, and a pack of socks for $5.00, how much is his total?
Do you need a diploma to work at Dunkin Donuts?
Name three examples of grains
Pasta, cereal, bread, bagels, etc.
What are the articles of clothing you would wear at the beach?
Sandels, bathing suit, tank top, sun glasses t-shirt etc.?
Name three behaviors that you should demonstrate at every work place.
Polite, punctuality, listen to directions, friendly, etc.
If Jake buys a taco for 3.86, nachos for 2.96, and a soda for 2.12, how much is his total?
Name three facts about the position of "security gaurd"
You need a high school diploma, you need licensing, your duties include checking the perimeters of where you work for potential crimes, threats, trespassing. You are expected to notify the police and fire department as necessary. You must have a license to carry if the job requires carrying a gun, etc.
Name three examples of proteins
eggs, tuna, steak, chicken, peanuts, soy beans, etc.
How might you dress for a hiking trip where it's hot, but there's lot of ticks?
Long pants or shorts and long socks, hiking boots, t-shirt
One of your co-workers keep gossiping and spreaders negative rumors about co-workers. What would be the appropriate response?
You should first make certain you know who the co-worker is. Then you would politely ask them if they could stop sending you notes. If they respond negatively or the behavior persists you should notify your boss and do as instructed.
If Jasper buys a ps4 for 350.99, a controller for 41.99, call of duty for $59.99, and Hacksaw Ridge on blue-ray for 28.99 how much is his to
What is a job requirement
qualities or certificates you must have in order to be hired for a position.
What are the four food groups we went over this week?
Fruit and veggies, dairy, grains, protein.
If you were to pack for a one day trip where you were going swimming at a lake and then going out to eat at a nice restaurant, what would you pack? (include all items)
A bathing suit, sandals, t-shirt, boxers, socks, dress shoes, nice pants (not jeans), and a collared shirt.
One of your co-workers is constantly gossiping about other workers, often making up lies and trying to make other people look bad. What would be the appropriate way to deal with this issue.
You would politely ask them to stop. If the behavior persists, you would report this to your supervisor and drop it there. It is now your supervisors job to talk to the co-worker, not yours.
If Joe buys 2 gallons of milk for 3.89 each, 2 bags of chips for 2.87 each, and 2 peanut butter sandwhiches for 3.15 each, how much is his total?
If you are a security guard and you see a strange man walking around the property (you work at a private factory) what do you do?
You would approach the man and politely ask him what he is doing on the property. After hearing his answer, politely ask him to leave the property. Inform him that next time you will notify the authorities.
How many servings of fruit and vegetables are you supposed to eat per day?
Explain the difference between how you'd dress at a big interview at a bank (career job) vs. how you'd dress for an interview at walmart as a part time high school job.
At a big interview like the bank, you might wear a suit and tie and dress shoes. For a more casual part time job, you might just wear a collared shorts and pants that aren't jeans.
What are interpersonal skills?
You're ability to communicate effectively in the workplace.