Describing (EET)
Inferencing and Predictions
Think it or Say It

Describe 3 parts of a snowman in a complete sentence.

A snowman has a hat, carrot nose, and stick arms.


Ms. Julianna's job is to take care of the plants her house. What are 2 materials or resources she needs to do this?

She needs a watering can and water.


Make a smart guess. What happened to the girl? Use a complete sentence.

The girl fell off of her bike and scraped her knee. 


"The shirt you're wearing is really ugly."

Should we think this or say it out loud?

We can think this, but we shouldn't say it out loud.


What group/category does snow belong to? Use a complete sentence.

Snow is a type of weather. 


Your pencil breaks while you're in the middle of a writing assignment. What are 2 different solutions? 

You can:

- Look for a new one in your backpack.

- Ask a teacher for a pencil.

- Use tape to fix it.

- Use your iPad instead.


What might have just happened to the floor?

Someone just mopped the floor.


Someone spilled something on the floor.


"Your phone just fell out of your backpack."

Should we think this or say it?

We can say this out loud. 


Where and when do you find snow? Use a complete sentence.

You find snow outside in the winter. 


You forgot to plug in your iPad last night and now it has 1% battery. It's time to start English. What can you do to solve the problem?

You can plug it in when you realize it's not charged, then ask staff for a paper copy.


Ms. Daley is excited for the weekend. She packed her suitcase and put it in her car this morning. She is going to fill up the gas tank in her car and start driving right after work.

What do you think Ms. Daley might be excited for? 

She is going on a trip out of town.


"I'm upset because my bus picked me up late."

Should we think this or say it out loud? Why?

We can say this out loud so that others can help us feel better and understand why we're upset.

Tell 3 different things you can do with snow. Use a complete sentence.

You can sled in snow, build a snowman, or have a snowball fight.


After Ms. Daley got to work, her face mask broke! Which is a better solution? Why?

- Throw it in the trash and don't wear one at school. Who needs it anyway?!

- Borrow someone else's mask after they've already worn it.

- Ask staff or someone at the front desk for a new mask.

Asking for a new mask is the better solution. That way, no one gets sick. 


Ms. Daley walked into the ice cream store. The store had a cute, furry dog! The dog jumped on Ms. Daley to say "Hi." Her eyes started to water and itch. She started coughing. She thought, "Oh no! I'd better leave." 

Why do you think Ms. Daley needed to leave the store?

Ms. Daley is allergic to dogs (not really).


Ms. Daley's coworker made a mistake by delivering her a package with someone else's name on it. Ms. Daley says, "How could you mix up our names?!!! What a dumb mistake!!!!!!!!!!!"

Should we think this or say it out loud? Why?

We can think this, but we shouldn't say it out loud. Mistakes happen and saying this might make the other person feel badly. 


Describe a snowman using 3 different details. Use complete sentences.


You go to make dinner and you're missing one of the ingredients. What are 2 different solutions? 

You can:

- Make something different.

- Look up a new recipe.

- Ask to borrow the ingredient from a neighbor.

- Go to the store. 


Ms. Julianna loves the snow. The weatherperson said that there was a chance of snow. She wakes up and looks out the window. She says, "Noooooooooooooooooo!" and frowns.

Why did Ms. Julianna say "Nooooooo?" How is she feeling? How do you know?

Ms. Julianna is sad because it didn't snow. We know because she's frowning and because we know she likes the snow.


"Why are your teeth so crooked?"

Should we think this or say it out loud? 

We can think this, but we shouldn't say it out loud. It might embarrass the other person.