What does BIP stand for?
Behavioral Improvement Plan
10-15 minutes early?
How old do you have to be to get a job in the state of Maryland?
14 years old
What is a target behavior?
a behavior that is targeted for change
How should you dress for your interview?
Slightly fancier than the workers dress on a normal day
What do you have to fill out to get a job?
A job application
What does contingent mean? (ex. Contingent break)
it depends on something else happening
What should you bring with you to the interview?
Extra copies of your resume
What is it called when they ask you questions about the job?
An interview
What is a replacement behavior?
What someone is supposed to do instead of their troubled behavior
Where should you look while talking to your interviewer?
At their face (chin, or forehead if direct eye contact is uncomfortable)
Where can you find information about jobs for a specific company?
Online or in person
What is an example of a coping strategy a student can use when upset?
Examples include
Take a walk
Breathing exercise
Drink of water
What should you call you interviewer?
What is it called when you ask someone you know to tell the company you are a good person to hire?
A reccomendation