Video Game/Internet Safety
Personal Information
Stranger Danger

True or False: Once you post a picture online you cannot take it back!


True or False: Always ask a grown up for permission to give out personal information.



If someone shows up to check you out of school that you do not know and your parents did not inform you that you would be checked out of school. What do you do?

You tell a trusted adult at school that you do not know that person.


Should you use personal information as a part of a gaming profile when you are playing online with people you do not know?



What should do if someone you do not know on the computer ask you questions that are private?

Turn off the computer and tell someone


You are home alone and stranger knocks on your door, what do you do?

A) Do not answer the door

B) Yell, "No one is home!"

C) Tell them that your parents are not home and close the door in their face.

D) Let them in.

A) Do not answer the door!