"Are You Talking To Me?"
From Catepillar To Butterfly
I Think It's Time For A Break
To Be Or Not To Be?
I'm The Boss Of Me

This non-verbal body language cue deals with sight. It let's someone know that you are listening and engaged in the conversation.



As we grow and develop, the personal limits we establish to keep ourselves safe can be referred to as...



Strategies used to reduce stress.

Methods that help maintain our mental and emotional well-being.

Things that we can do in the moment, or practice overtime, that help us to regular our emotions. 

Coping Skills


If your partner began tracking your location on SnapChat, sending you back to back threatening messages when you didn't respond quickly, and showed up at your house without being invited, this behavior could be referred to as...



This word refers to a mutual agreement between people to engage in an activity. It is permission.



This is the title we give to adults that respect our boundaries, help us with difficult problems, and never ask us to keep secrets. 

Hint: They aren't dangerous...



What are personal strengths and weaknesses?

Strengths: Positive qualities, traits, and skills that you naturally possess. Natural abilities. Things you're good at. The "good" things about someone. 

Weaknesses: Qualities, skills, and traits that need improvement. Tasks and qualities that you lack or struggle with. Things you wish to be better at.


You use this when you talk to yourself inside your head. This thing should be positive, confident, and encouraging. 

Inner Voice


A type of manipulation tactic that makes you question your sanity, judgements and memory. 

Your partner tells you "I never said that," even though you know they did. 

Gas Lighting


We use these to communicate our concerns, feelings, and needs without blaming others or sounding threatening. These help get the point across without causing the listener to shut down for become defensive. 

"I" statements


Poor communication happens when there is a disconnect between what is said and what is heard. Please name 2 characteristics of poor communication. (Behaviors that lead to or happen as a result of bad communication.)

Possible answers could include:

Shutting down, yelling, interrupting, dismissing the other person's point of view, the silent treatment, miscommunication, passive-aggressive behaviors, breakdown in trust, rage or explosive anger, frustration, etc..


Good goals should be TIME-SENSITIVE, which means that...

Acceptable answer should sound like:

Your goal should have a specific timeframe for when you expect to have the goal completed. For example, "I will do 1,000 pushups by the end of the month."


Self-care is important because high levels of _________ can lead to insomnia, depression, headaches, digest problems and many other health issues. 



When technology is used to bully, harass, threaten, or intimidate someone, we refer to this behavior as...

Digital Abuse


When boundaries aren't clearly defined in a relationship, this can lead to...

Any of the following answers are acceptable:

Abuse, Manipulation, Toxic Relationship, Loss of Respect, Stress & Anxiety, Depression, Frustration, Declining School Performance, Conflict, Miscommunication, etc..


This type of abuse refers to a range of words used to manipulate, intimidate, and maintain power and control over someone. It can include insults, humiliation and ridicule, the silent treatment, and attempts to scare, isolate, and control.

Verbal Abuse


An emotional that we choose to display although we are feeling something else can be referred to as this...

Hint: You feel shame, but you act nonchalant and arrogant so your friends don't know. 

Secondary Emotion


MENTAL signs that you are stressed or overwhelmed could include...

Possible answers could include:

Negative thinking, forgetfulness, anxiety, confusion, difficulty focusing, difficulty making decisions, repetitive thoughts, poor memory


Harmful behaviors become ABUSIVE when they...

Any of the following answers are acceptable:

Are use to manipulate, are to used to maintain power & control, make you feel bad about yourself or people close to you, severely impact your mental health & well-being, make you afraid of your partner, etc..


Telling someone, "I can only stay for an hour. I have a few tasks I need to complete this evening," is an example of this...

Time Boundary


What are signs that a person may need to set more boundaries in their communication with others?

Possible answers could include:

They fail to speak up when mistreated. They give away too much of their time. They will sometimes agree when they actually disagree. They get taken advantage of often. They have fears and anxieties about what other people think. Feel guilty for saying "no". Attract toxic partners. 


Refers to the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and effectively use one's own emotions. It also refers to the ability to recognize, work with, and understand the emotions of others around us.

Emotional Intelligence


Your personal stressors. These are different for everyone. It is important to understand the root cause of these. 

Hint: Examples could be loud noises, certain smells, crowded spaces, yelling, violence/hostility, being interrupted. 



Any verbal, emotional, sexual, or physical abuse that occurs between 12-17 year-olds who have identified as being in a relationship can be referred to as...

Hint: February was dedicated to it.

Teen Dating Violence


A person who speaks openly & respectfully, shows empathy, and is comfortable respecting boundaries can be described as...

Hint: Not P_ssive or _ggresive
