Grocery Shopping/Meal Prepping
Time Management
Little bit of everything

How often should you update your budget?

Every time your income OR expenses change.


What is one way to save money at the grocery store?


How early should you try and arrive for appointments?

At least 15 minutes (if possible).


What is self care?

Self-care means taking care of yourself and making sure your needs are met


True or False: When creating a budget you don't need to account for/track snacks you get at the gas station?


Buying snacks at the gas station can get expensive if it happens often. You should try and plan this into your budget if you know you do it a lot.


What is usually one of the highest expenses of OP clients OUTSIDE of their rent?



How can you limit yourself to only buying what you need at the store?

Go in with a shopping list


When doing the 60 second challenge in group, what is the average range between the first and last person to be done counting?

60 seconds (typically ranges from 30-90 seconds)


What is something that can help you monitor your self care practices

Daily Self Care Tracker

What online resource can I use to keep track of my interests or find things such as new recipes to try or ideas for hobbies or self care?



What is your income called BEFORE tax?

Gross Pay


What is something you can do in the grocery store to increase "healthy shopping?"

Stick to the outer sections of the grocery store.


What can help when you have too much to do or don't know what thing to accomplish first?

Work on prioritizing tasks


True or False: You should practice self care even when you are feeling good

True! Keep using self care even when you feel good! It helps maintain a healthy routine!


How much time should you spend on self care each day?

A few minutes is better than none at all! 

It can be as simple as doing a deep breathing exercise for 60 seconds!


What is an expense that typically increases AFTER leaving residential treatment?



What should you do when you are checking out at the register

Stay present! If you are zoned out, you could miss an error or mistake that costs you money or miss out on a discount that wasn't applied!


What is something people typically learn when they write down all of the hours and thing they do in their average day?

That they spend too much time on something (video games, sleeping, playing on phones) instead of doing something else they want/need to do


What is considered to be a form of self care that we often don't recognize as self-care?

Setting healthy boundaries

What resources does FSH offer to aid with housing?

FOF funding, case management, HRSS funding, EPP referrals (employment support to increase or obtain income), Alec (housing specialist), Bryan (Recovery Residence Case Manager), open office hours for case management


What are two of the "goals" of budgeting?

1. Keep track of the money you are getting and the money you are spending. 

2. Prepare for unexpected expenses and obstacles. 

3.  Establish a more secure financial foundation (financial stability)

4. Increase self sufficiency  


Name two benefits of meal prepping

1. Saves money on groceries

2. Saves you time each day on food prep

3. Can improve eating habits

4. Can reduce the headache or stress of having to plan a new meal each day


Name two of the Time Management Tips

1. use a to do list or appointment book

2. Prioritize tasks

3. Breaks large tasks into smaller ones

4. Limit distractions

5. If you can't limit distractions, get away from them

6. give yourself time in between tasks

7. Let yourself be less than perfect


Name three of the self care categories:

Physical, Emotional, Social, Spiritual, Personal, Space, Financial, Work


How many pages is the recipe book that gets given out in this group?

14 front and back (including title page, and empty pages in the back for your recipes)