Healthy Living
Household Skills

How long it takes to properly wash hands according to the CDC?

What is 20 Seconds using soap and clean water (sing HBD song 2x!)

**before eating, playing with a pet, after use the restroom, after being outside

If soap is not available use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol


How much fluid should you drink in a day?

What is most people should aim to drink enough during the day so their pee is a clear pale yellow color. 

People should aim to drink 6 to 8 cups or glasses of fluid a day. Water, lower-fat milk and sugar-free drinks, including tea and coffee, all count.


How often should you wash your bedding?

What is Every 1-2 weeks


If you are running a race and you pass the person in second place what place are you in?

What is Second place


Things you buy because they would be nice to have

What is a want


What is credit

What is an arrangement in which you receive cash, goods or services now and pay in the future


Gross pay is the amount you get paid after taxes and deductions are taken out of your paycheck

What is FALSE It is called NET pay


Name TWO times when you should brush your teeth?

What is :

After you eat

Before you sleep

When you wake up


Why are teenagers at a particular high risk for the negative health effects of alcohol use?

What is Brain Development

can have an impact on cognitive functions, memory, and school performance 

The brain fully develops in mid to late 20's


What does PASS stand for when using a fire extinguisher?

What is





When considering whether to tackle a small fire yourself if you discover one, always bear in mind the golden rule of fire safety; If in doubt, get out, stay out and call 911 immediately.


What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?

What is a towel


Something you pay for because it is necessary to live

What is a NEED


What is interest

What is a fee creditors charge for lending money or extending credit


The form you get from your employer before you start a job, so your employer knows how much to take out of your paychecks for taxes is a W2

What is FALSE - the W4 is the form you fill out before you start working and the W2 is the form you get from your employer that tells you how much money you earned and how much was taken out in taxes for the previous year.


Name TWO ways to prevent body odor?

What is shower every day, use antiperspirant and deodorant, wear clean clothes


How much time should be spent daily exercising/moving?

What is About 60 minutes-get outside! Exercise is an effective treatment for feelings of anxiety and depression, it can help reduce risk of diseases, increases concentration and confidence and reduces aggression


Name TWO things you should do daily to keep your kitchen clean

What is clean counters, clean floors, clean dishes


An electric train is going south at 200 MPH. Which way is the smoke blowing?

What is there's no smoke it's an electric train


Part of Budgeting starts with setting a SMART goal...SMART stands for

A. Satisfying, Meaningful, Addictive, Really fun, True

B. Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Timely

C. Secure, Measurable, Actionable, Rational, Thoughtful

What is B

Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Timely


What should teenagers do to start to building their credit

Obtaining a credit card-must be 18, charge less than 30% of limit, pay bills on time in full, if you are under 18, you can be an "authorized user" on parent's credit cards, open bank account with checking and savings


20% of the nutrients we eat are used by our brain as energy

What is TRUE – drinking more water, reducing processed foods, eating more fruits and vegetables, staying away from saturated fats and added sugar


How often should you shower

What is Every day or every other day


According to the USDA name THREE of the 5 Major Food Groups

What is 

Fruits, Grains, Vegetables, Protein, Dairy


What types cleaning products can you use to clean your kitchen and bathroom? (Name 2)

What is White vinegar, dish soap, abrasive cleaners (Ajax), chlorine bleach, non-bleach disinfectant, glass cleaner, etc.


What has a head and a tail but no body

What is a coin


Name the 2 things you track on a budget

What is Income & Expenses

True/False-A credit score and a credit report are the same thing

What is FALSE- A credit score is a numerical rating of a persons credit history and a credit report is a document that describes a person's credit record. The credit report is like your full report card from school with all the nitty gritty details and your credit score is like your GPA.


A balanced diet is one that includes extra nutrients encourages bone growth, supports hormonal changes and organ and tissue development.

What is TRUE

Essential Nutrients to Include in Your Diet

  • Calcium helps build strong bones and teeth. Where to find it: fat-free or low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese.
  • Vitamin D keeps bones healthy. Where to find it: orange juice, whole oranges, tuna and fat-free or low-fat milk.
  • Potassium helps lower blood pressure. Where to find it: bananas or baked potato with the skin.
  • Fiber gives you strength. Where to find it: fish, low-fat meats, berries and apples.
  • Iron helps your body grow. Where to find it: spinach, beans, peas and iron-fortified cereals.

A disease that can spread quickly and is contagious

What is a communicable disease


Give a tip for healthy living

What is get your beauty sleep, exercise regularly (60 min per day), eat healthy diet (balanced), brush teeth, wear sunscreen, etc


When should you clean your room

Trick question-

What is depending on how messy you are and what the rules of your home are! Cleaning should be done weekly (such as vacuuming, dusting, disinfecting) but tidying up and organizing should be done daily!


What gets sharper the more you use it

What is your brain


Name a budgeting app for your device

What is Rocket Money, Every Dollar, Buddy, Fidelity youth, Greenlight, FamZoo, and the list goes on


How many years are items listed on a credit report?

What is 7 years-so it is very important that you pay all bills on time!


It is ok to max out your credit card every once in a while

What is FALSE- you should not charge more than 30% of your credit card limit.  High balances lower your credit score and can be red flags for lenders.