Decision making
Risk and prevention
Self awareness
Comm. & Active listening
Complete the sentence: Teenagers tend to take negative risks because…..
They make rushed decisions based on emotions
List 2 ways to boost self confidence
Self Affirmation and positive self talk
What is a risk?
A risk is a decision you make where you could potentially achieve something or lose something
What is self esteem?
It is how you feel about yourself
Why is it that Teenagers are worse at decision making than adults?
Because the brain does not become fully mature until the age of 21.
What are Universal Values? Can you provide an example?
Money, family, health, friends, honesty.
Can negative risks benefit you?
Negative risks can benefit you if they are balanced out with preventions but if they are not, they are most likely to end up in a bad way.
What is the purpose of power posing?
It can boost your self confidence
In the teenage brain article, why is it that the more you make the right decisions, the better you are at making the right decisions?
Because you hardwire your brain-strengthening some circuits and getting rid of others, so that the circuits that is most used is gonna be the strongest.
What makes people take risks?
Wanting a good outcome or wanting to do the things someone else does (influence by others)
What is the difference between self efficacy and self confidence?
Self confidence is trusting your judgements and being comfortable in your ability while self efficacy is believing in your capability to do something (having an “I can” attitude)
What does G.R.E.A.T stand for?
G. give thoughts to the problem R. review the options/ choices R evaluate the consequences A.act choose the best choice and act on it T. think it over afterwards
Can you take a risk if you don’t have enough preventions?
Yes, you can but it would be more likely to end up in a bad way that you might regret later
How long is it recommended to hold a power pose for?
2 minutes
List all levels of communication & active listening, provide an explanation or clarification for each.
polite convo-hi,information giving-i see, ideas and judgment-i think, gut level-i feel, peak-i feel and active listening