Tammy needs to help her friend Sarah move to her new house, but she promised her friend Emily she would hang out with her. What is the problem?

Emily double booked and can't make it to both of her plans. 


Joseph wants to go to the movies but he cannot find a ride to get there. What would be the goal of this situation. 

Joseph finds a way to get to the movies. 


Mihn decides that today would be a great day to go for a walk. When he goes to grab his coat, he notices there is a hole in the back of his coat. It is cold outside so he cannot wear this coat as it will not keep him warm. What are some possible solutions to this problem?

He can grab another coat. 

He can wait until it is warmer to go for his walk. 


Holly needs to finish her homework but she told her friend that she would go to her birthday party that night. Out of these options what should Holly do? 

1: Tell her friend that she will be a bit late to the party and finish her homework. 

2: Go to the party and hope she has enough time after to do her homework. 

Option 1


Daniel's woke up 10 minutes before his shift started and realized that his car wouldn't work. Even though Daniel managed to get a ride to work, he barely made it on time. What can he learn from this situation? 

-Get up earlier for work to prepare for events like this. 


Ryan needs to get to school in 20 minutes, but he missed the bus and the next one only arrives in another 20 minutes. What is the problem?

Ryan missed the bus and needs to get to school. 


Charly went to watch a movie on Netflix, but when she went to sign in, she realized that the password had been changed by her brother. What would be the goal of this situation?  

Charly would find the password and be able to watch her Netflix show. 


Kate wants to go and practice her dance and gymnastics but she is not able to make it in time to the session as she is busy doing another activity (as Kate is a very busy individual). She knows she can't leave her activity early, but she really wants to do some dance and gymnastics. What are some solutions to this problem? 

Kate can go to another class another day.

Kate can do gymnastics on her own that day. 


Wyatt has missed the bus and needs to get to work. Out of these options what should Wyatt do? 

1: Call his manager and say that he missed the bus and will be late to his shift.

2: Call his manager and say he is sick and won't be coming in. 

Option 1


Mateo left to go to the movies and he realized that he forgot his wallet. What can he do to prevent this from happening again? 

Before he leaves to go somewhere, always check to see if he has his phone, wallet, and keys on him. 

Emily forgot to do her life skills assignment that is due the next day. What is the problem? 

Emily has not finished her assignment that is due the next day. 


Klaska's birthday is today and she is so excited. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY KLASKA!!!) Her job was to pick up the cake for her party. When she went to the store to pick it up, the cook said that there was no cake ordered for her. Klaska now needs to figure out how to get a cake for her party. What would be the goal of this situation? 

Klaska will be able to find a cake for her birthday party. 


Sarah has just gotten a new job yay! When she goes to work she realizes that she forgot her name tag at her house. What are some solutions to this problem? 

Depending on time Sarah can go back home and grab it. 

If she cannot make it back home, Sarah can let her boss know that she has forgotten her name tag and that she will wear a temporary one, and assure her boss the she will not forget it again. 


Hillary needs to attend a meeting but also needs to shoe Saverio some new equipment that came in for AAADD. Which of these options would solve her problem? 

1: Cancel the meeting with Saverio.

2: Skip her meeting

3: Tell Saverio that she double booked and has a meeting and ask him if he can meet at a later time or the next day. 

Option 3


Grace went to make a cake but as she was preparing she realized she was missing some ingredients. What can she do to learn from this? 

Check before baking that she has all of the ingredients. 


Ben went to go to work but when he turned his car on, his engine would not start. What is the problem? 

Ben's car won't start and he needs to get to work. 


Lidia has decided that she would like to start fishing. When she went to the store to pick up some bait, the store clerk told her that the store was completely out. What is the goal of this situation? 

Lidia will be able to find bait so she can go fishing. 


Bujar and Frances have decided that they want to bake together. When they decide to start baking Bujar tells Frances that he wants to bake cookies, and Frances tells Bujar she wants to bake muffins. What is a possible solution(s) to this problem?

They can each bake their desired food. 

They can bake cookies one day and then muffins another day. 

They can decide on baking something that is not cookies or muffins. Maybe cake?? YUM!!


Lianne has a virtual call with her friend but she needs to teach class. Her friend is also very busy and will not be able to meet for a long time. What solution would solve her problem? 

1: Lie to her friend and say she is busy. 

2: Tell the class she is sick and not show up to class. 

3: Tell her friend that she needs to teach and set up another date for her to meet virtually. 

Option 3


Marshal went in to class and didn't realize that there was a test. What can he do to learn from this? 

Ask the teacher or his peers when due dates are coming up and always listen in class. 

Karen has been saving up to buy two of her favorite books, but when she went to buy her books she did not have enough money to pay for both of them. What is the problem? 

Karen does not have enough money to pay for both of the books she wants. 


Inuri has had a long day and would like to watch some anime to relax. She grabs a snack, a warm blanket, and her favorite glass to have a soda. When she goes to watch her show, the wifi connection is not working. Without it Inuri cannot watch her show. What is the goal of this situation?

Inuri will fix the wifi so she can watch her show. 


Jacob asks his mom if she can drive him to the park so he can play soccer with Lucas and Ben. She tells Jacob that she cannot drive him as she is already busy at the moment. What are some possible solutions to this problem? 

He can wait until she can drive him. 

He can get a ride from his dad. 

He can get a ride from a friend or ask Lucas or Ben to pick him up. 


Justin told his friend that he would go camping over the weekend but he also told his mom that he would help her with yardwork. Justin's friend is his only ride up to go camping. Which of these solutions would solve his problem? 

1: Tell his mom he is busy. 

2: Ask his friend if they can leave later and do the yard work in the morning so they can leave in the afternoon. 

Option 2


Charly, Ben, Sarah, Bujar, Klaska, Joseph, Inuri, Ryan, Jesse, Lidia, Frances, Justin, Holly, Karen, Jacob, Emily, Kate, and Minh all realized that they did not know what anything that was on the problem solving review!! What can they do to learn from this?

They can listen in class!!! :)