Grocery Shopping
Coping Skills
Packing Lunch

This is what you use in the grocery store to know what you need to buy. 

Bonus: name what we used to go "grocery shopping" in the food pantry 

A grocery list 

Bonus: grocery list with pictures


What is it called when you work together as a group (towards common goal)



These are skills we use to deal with negative emotions. 

Coping skills


Name 3 foods you may pack for lunch that requires utensils (Fork, spoon, knife)

yogurt, salad, pasta etc. 


Chris shows up to work and finds out from a supervisor that his tasks for the day has changed and he will need to work with coworkers to make a poster. Chris is caught off guard and upset that this is a change in routine. He should…

A:  Accept that this is a change in his routine but participate in completing the poster with his coworkers. Maintain a positive attitude and encourage others.

B:Walk out of work angry that his supervisor changed his daily tasks, call his supervisor later in the day and quit the job

A:  Accept that this is a change in his routine but participate in completing the poster with his coworkers. Maintain a positive attitude and encourage others.


Thinking ahead about what you want to eat for meals is called this.

meal planning


What is one GOOD quality of a Team-player?

Helping others in a group work on a project

encouraging others 

being positive 

being on time to work


This is a good coping skill that involves moving your body. 

going for a walk/exercise.


True or False: A turkey sandwich with cheese requires an ice pack in the lunch bag



Drew was showing his family a new video game that he coded on his computer. Suddenly Drew’s computer broke, and the screen went black. Drew should…

◦A: Call the computer store and scream at them

◦B: throw the computer across the room

◦C: Count to 10, Take a few deep breaths

◦D: Yell at his parents and blame it on them

C: Count to 10, take a few deep breaths


Name the grocery store that you or your parents go to in Long Island

Bonus: Name an item you would find in the freezer section


Trader Joes


Stop and Shop



True or False: the following making up a GOOD team player:

- rude to others 

- negative attitude 

- shows up late 

- does not communicate with supervisor or coworkers 



Talking to someone is a GOOD coping skill. Name someone you talk to when you are upset.





If you do not want to pack an ice pack everyday this type of lunch box would be good for you. (hint: we went shopping on amazon for this)

Packit lunch bag with built in ice pack!


John decides to pack a salami and cheese sandwich with an apple and pretzels for lunch.

Describe how to pack this lunch.

ice pack, plastic bag for pretzels, napkin.



What is it called when foods taste the same but have a different label? (ex. JIF Peanut butter vs. Skippy)

Different Brands 

True or False: A team player is someone who is reliable and positive. 



Which is a better way to cope with anger? Throwing things across the room or deep breathing.

Deep Breathing 


Describe a time when you may need to use foil or plastic wrap.

To prevent a sandwich from falling apart. 


Brett was at the Bronx zoo with his brother and the Giraffe area was closed. Brett is upset because the Giraffes are his favorite. Brett should… 

◦A: Take a walk to calm down. Plan to visit the zoo again when the giraffe exhibit will be open.

◦B: say mean things to his brother

◦C: Yell at the zoo workers

◦D: Don’t say that he is upset, punch the wall when he gets home.

A: Take a walk to calm down. Plan to visit the zoo again when the giraffe exhibit will be open


Where in the grocery store would you find this item?



Describe what it means to be flexible at work.

Being able to change your plans and do what is asked of you even if you did not expect it.


True or False: Keeping feelings to yourself is a good way to cope with emotions. 



You want to pack pretzels with your lunch. What do you use to bring a small amount of pretzels to work for the day. 

a ziplock plastic bag


Zachary decides to bring a tuna sandwich for lunch with a yogurt and goldfish.

Describe how to pack this lunch

- ice pack

- napkin

- plastic bag

- spoon 

- plastic wrap?