Managing Emotions
The Media and Health
Healthy Relationships
Family Communication
Risk-Taking/Substance Abuse

TRUE or FALSE: Stress and anger are two normal emotions that, when layered on another emotion, can lead us to respond in an emotionally extreme way.

TRUE - these are difficult emotions to manage


What age group is the largest consumer of media and more likely than any other group to use multiple forms of media?



Name two types of relationships you may have in your life.

Parent/child, Siblings, Boss/Worker, Teacher/Student, Teammates, girlfriend/boyfriend, husband/wife

What is effective communication?

The respectful exchange of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs between a speaker and a listener in such a way that the listener and speaker interpret the message the same way.



Substance use does not typically affect the level of risk in situations.

FALSE - substance use itself is always risky, and substance use in any situation typically DOES increase level of risk.


What is a "trigger"?

A situation, person, place, or thing that causes an emotional response.


TRUE or FALSE: Media sends us messages about our self-image and culture and what is popular and socially acceptable.

TRUE - when we use media we consume those messages, which are highly influential in the formation of our ideas about ourselves and others.


What does it mean to assert yourself?

Standing up for ourselves while respecting the rights of others.


What are two nonverbal means of communication?

Eye contact, facial expressions, body language, gestures, physical distance.


How do our values affect what risks we take?

We are less likely to put things we value a lot at great risk.  Knowing what we value is helps us decide if a risk is worth taking.


Name two potential consequences for not learning how to manage our emotions.

Making decisions that hurt yourself or someone else, damaging relationships, developing physical illnesses, feeling unhappy about our life, consistent negative feelings.


What are "implied messages" in media?

Messages that are not stated, but inferred in what we see and hear.  They influence our thoughts and beliefs whether we know it or not.


Name 2 of the 5 qualities healthy relationships possess.

Respect, Accountability, Trust, Safety, Honesty
TRUE or FALSE: In order to understand others' views we need to agree with them.

FALSE - understanding means comprehending what they are saying.  This does NOT mean you need to agree with it.


What are two important things to consider when deciding whether or not to take a risk?

1. Estimating the probability of benefits (things we have to gain from it).

2. Estimating the probability of harm (things we have to lose).


How does substance use impact our ability to manage our emotions?

Negatively.  They may dull emotions and delay our reactions, but they keep us from being able to actually deal with the problem.


TRUE or FALSE: Media messages often accurately reflect reality.

FALSE - media messages can be manipulative and grossly distort what happens in real life


What is the power of persuasion?

When others try to convince or urge someone to take an action or follow a certain belief.  When we are persuaded by someone we respond to their influence on us to think in a particular way and behave in line with it.


What does it mean to empathize with someone?

To understand and be sensitive to another persons feelings, thoughts, or experiences.


Why is healthy risk taking important?

Healthy risk taking provides us with an opportunity to experience those feelings of excitement while enhancing, rather than harming what we value.


What is the Centering technique for dealing with strong emotions?

Deep breathing paired with the use of positive imagery to calm and center emotions.


What are two ways you can make sure you use media in ways that protect your health?

Choose media with positive messages; be aware that media companies want to sell you things and make money; reduce overall exposure to media; know that media does not often reflect reality; talk about the effects of media with others; be aware of what the media is saying and if you agree with it.


How can being assertive help you build and maintain healthy relationships?

Being assertive helps us to resist negative persuasion.  It can help with improved communication, respect for self and others, and build awareness if a relationship may not be right for us.  


What are three active listening strategies you can use to summarize what you have heard and check for understanding in a conversation?

Paraphrasing - saying it in your own words

Restating - saying it back in the other persons words

Asking Specific Questions


The PROPS decision making model can help us think through whether a risk will enhance or harm our health. What does the "O" in PROPS stand for?

Options - Consider your options and risks/benefits of each option.