What would you do?
Person to Person
Edit That Mess!

How much do you think a pack of gum costs?

$2.00 - $4.00


A man you have never met before comes up to you, and asks for the time. 

What would you do?

Tell him the time.


What coin is worth 25 cents?



A new student started at school, and sits next to you. They look nervous. What could you say to make them feel better?

Introduce yourself

Welcome to the school!

I can sit with you at lunch


Fix this sentence:

Her gave it to me.

She gave it to me.


What should you do if you want to buy something, but you don't have enough money?

Save up to buy it!


A boy at lunch tells you to say something mean to a girl at the next table. What would you do?

Say no, tell him that is unkind

Ignore him


Which bill is worth more money:

$5.00 bill or a $1.00 bill?

$5.00 bill


A teacher gave you an assignment that is really hard. You ask for help, but you still feel confused. What should you do?

Ask the teacher for more help

Ask Ms. Zo for help

E-mail the teacher 


Fix this sentence:

We ar going to the park.

We are going to the park.


What does it mean if something is "On Sale?"

It costs less.


A family member you don't know very well gives you a hug when they see you. You really don't like hugging them, and feel uncomfortable. What would you do?

Ask them not to hug you

Say "No thank you, I don't want a hug"

Talk to parents/adults about it


If you bought a burger for $4.50, and a drink for $2.75, what would your total cost be?



What could you tell someone if they are very loud, and it is bothering you?

Please be quiet, I do not like that.

Would you mind keeping it down please?


Fix this sentence:

Next year, my family is going to paris for vacation.

Next year, my family is going to Paris for vacation.



Name 1 job someone might have that relate to shopping?

Cashier, Salesperson, etc.

You have a crush on someone at school. You don't know if they like you back. How can you tell if someone likes you more than a friend?
They laugh/smile a lot, They want to be near you a lot, They ask to spend time with you, Body language, They tell you

What is the smallest coin? (Not size-wise / value wise) What is it worth?

Penny, 1 cent


Name 3 strategies you can use when someone is making you angry?

Take a walk

Get a drink

Tell them how you feel

Physical activity

Deep breaths


Fix this sentence:

Are you going to the game on Friday.

Are you going to the game on Friday?


If a TV is $400, but it has a special discount for half-off, how much would it cost?

Bonus- define discount


Money taken off of original price


You spilled soda all over your clothes at lunch. You don't have extra clothes. What would you do?

Ask to use Ms. Zo's washer

Ask Nurse Kel if she has extra clothes

Try to clean it the best you can


You ordered food: you bought a drink for $3.00, a sandwich for $5.00, and snacks for $4.00.

Can you pay with a $10.00 bill?

No, not enough.

BONUS: What bill or bills could you pay with?


 Imagine you are at a grocery store, and you need to buy a few items. You see a friendly store employee nearby. The employee is talking to someone else. What would you do/say?

Say "Excuse me," and ask for help

Ask them to show you where the items are if you can't remember


Fix this sentence (2 errors):

for my birthday this year. I want a new phone case.

For my birthday this year, I want a new phone case.