Life Skills
Social Skills
Coping Skills
Tell us about it!

Name the first step in completing laundry 

What is sorting by color


Name the best way to start a conversation with a friend at school or church

What is by saying "hello, how are you?" or saying "Hi (their name)"


You see someone sitting in class with a frown on their face and not talking to anyone, how do you think they are feeling? 

What is upset, sad, or angry 


Name a coping skill you can use when someone is annoying you and you are starting to feel upset

What is taking 3-5 deep breaths, counting to 10 or 15 in my head


Name 3 thing you love about your siblings

What is their sense of humor, their kindness, the way they make me feel, etc. (No Wrong answer)


Name 1 way that you can keep track of your dr appointments, school assignments, therapy sessions, etc. 

What is using a calendar, a reminder system, or alarm on phone or iPad. 


Name a conversation skill you should use when someone is talking to you

What is maintaining eye contact

If you call someone a name or make fun of them for something, how could this make them feel? 

What is sad or embarrassed 


Name at least 1 physical activity or exercise you can do when trying to calm down

Go for a walk, pace back and forth down hallway, stretching exercise, etc.


Give your caregivers or parents a compliment

Answers will vary


Name 3 things you should do each morning when you wake up

What are make bed, brush teeth, take medicine, put clean clothes, eat breakfast


If someone is sitting facing away from you and does not respond to you speaking to them, what does this usually mean

They do not want to talk to me or maybe upset about something and I should leave them alone


If someone has a video game that you want and you see them playing it, how could this make you feel? 

What is jealous


Name 3 people that you can talk to when you are upset about something or something is bothering you

Mom, dad, behavior specialist, teacher, sisters, grandparents, etc. 


Name one thing you look forward to being able to go back to school

What is seeing friends, teachers, getting back into routine, etc. 


Where should you place your dishes after dinner

What is in the dish washer or sink to wash


How far should you sit or stand when next to someone at school, church, or in the community

What is at least an arms length away or 3ft away


Name 3 things you could do to cheer someone up when they are sad

What is give them a compliment, do something nice for them, tell them a funny story or joke (appropriate), etc.


If someone is upsetting you or annoying you at home, school, or in the community, how can you respond appropriately

What is ask for a break in your bedroom, in a different room, or anywhere away from the person upsetting you 

Share your favorite story from this summer
Answers will vary 

Name 3 things that are important to know in case of emergency

What are parents phone numbers, address, emergency contact besides your parents, where to go in case of a fire, tornado, earthquake, etc. 


If you interrupt someone while they are in a conversation with someone else and they hold up 1 finger, what does this mean? 

What is to wait a minute


If someone tells you that you just won a trip to Disney World what feeling would you be feeling? 

What is surprised


Name 2 things you can use as coping strategies to calm yourself when upset or angry 

What are listening to music, play a video game, watch a calming video, read a book, etc. 

Share your favorite appropriate joke

answers will vary