Kitchen Safety
Kitchen Tools
Food Trivia

True or False: When carrying a sharp object, such as a peeler or knife, you should always have the blade facing up. 

False, you should have the blade facing the floor!


What is the first thing you should do when entering the kitchen?

Wash your hands!


What is this tool? Be specific!

Liquid measuring cup


The treat trolley snack is $3, and Mr. McDowell buys 3 treats and hands you a $20 bill. What is his change?



How many items are in a baker's dozen?



If you spill something in the kitchen, what should you do?

Clean up the spill with a wash cloth and soap.


What type of shoes should be worn in the kitchen OR what shoes should not be worn in the kitchen?

You SHOULD wear closed-toed shoes with grip (sneakers, boots, etc.)

You SHOULD NOT wear flip flops, sandals or slides (open-toed shoes)


What is this tool? Be specific!

Measuring Spoons


I have 2 quarters, 4 dimes, 3 nickels, and 8 pennies. How much money do I have total?



Which is NOT a type of cheese?

A. Feta

B. Ricotta

C. Guche

D. Brie

C. Guche


Illness caused by food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, parasites, or toxins.

Foodborne illness/food poisoning


How many seconds are you supposed to wash your hands for?

No less than 20 seconds


What is this tool?



Matt, Roland, and Gabe all decided to go to a concert. The tickets were $26 each, and they all wanted to get a popcorn at the concert for $3. How much did they spend total for the tickets and snack?

26 x 3 = 78

3 x 3 = 9

Total: $87


What is the most popular pizza flavor?

A. Mushroom

B. Pepperoni

C. Cheese

D. Sausage

B. Pepperoni


Which one of these would be considered a kitchen hazard?

A. Cooking with meat

B. Taking cookies out of the oven with a damp towel

C. Draining boiling water in a strainer

B. Taking cookies out of the oven with a damp towel. The water on the towel could turn to steam when heated and burn you. Always use an oven mitt or hot pad!

Note: The other two are trick questions. They COULD be a hazard if not done correctly.


What are the proper steps for washing dishes?

1. Fill sink with hot water and dish soap

2. Scrub dishes clean

3. Rinse dishes with warm water to get rid of soap.

4. Put in drying rack

5. Dry dishes with a clean towel


What is this tool?

strainer or colander


You go out to dinner at a restaurant. Your total is $30. You would like to leave a 20% tip. How much would you need to leave for the tip?



What was the first food eaten in space?

A. Applesauce

B. Blueberries

C. Steak

A. Applesauce


What is the number one kitchen hazard/safety concern?

A. Cuts

B. Burns

C. Food poisoning

B. Burns


Jan wanted to make a chicken salad. She got out one cutting board and knife. First, she cut her raw chicken to put in the pan. Then, she chopped up her lettuce. Did Jan follow proper safety and sanitation?

No, she cross-contaminated by cutting the raw chicken first, so the juice from the raw chicken could have gone on the lettuce.


What is this tool? Hint: it is NOT a grater

zester or microplaner


You are having a pizza party at school. The pizzas cost $12 and each have 12 slices. There are 24 students in the class, and each student wants 2 pieces of pizza. How many pizzas should the teacher buy, and how much will her total be?

The teacher should buy 4 pizzas, and her total will $48

24 students/ 12 slices per pizza = 2 pizzas. 

If each student wants 2 pieces, we double that number. 2+2=4 

4 x $12 = $48


What is the official state pie of Florida?

Key Lime Pie