Dealing With Stress
Communication Skills
Social/Assertiveness Skills
How a person feels about him/herself, sees themselves in comparison to others or something else.
What is Self-Esteem?
The act of making up your mind. Making a choice about something or someone.
What is a decision?
The nervous, uptight, uneasy or apprehensive feeling that we all experience from time to home, at school or in a group of people we may or may not know.
What is Stress?
When a person sends a message in order to share thoughts, feelings or information with someone or a group by: talking, listening, acting, drawing, singing, messaging or gesturing.
What is communication?
Acting or behaving in a strong and firm manner while remaining a way to deal with peer pressure, stand up for yourself and avoid a conflict with someone.
What is Assertiveness?
A game that uses Triangles to show you that you have qualities that are different and similar to others
What is "Three of a Kind"?
A 3 step decision-making method that can help you handle difficult choices (do I really want to do this or am I being influenced by someone or something else?). It is a simple but useful way to help you avoid developing unhealthy or unsafe habits or doing risky behaviors.
What is the Stop-Think-Go Process?
A test, a game, trying to reach the next game level, meeting someone for the first time, a trip to the principal's office or a trip to the Doctor knowing you're getting some shots!
What are examples of stressors?
Speaking or verbal communication is different from non-verbal communication which uses body language or other gestures. It is often most effective to use a combination of both types.
What are the two types of communication and how are they different?
When someone your age, age, gender, etc. tries to influence you or others in a group to make you and/or the group do something with or for them that could be risky or unsafe. It can be positive or negative pressure.
What is peer pressure?
Being special and not like anything or anyone else
What is Unique?
This step helps you ask yourself what are your choices or options and also to think about possible outcomes or consequences of each choice.
What is the second step of the Stop-THINK- Go process?
Being motivated to practice, work or study harder for a try-out or a test, planning a wedding or going to camp.
What is an example of positive stress or eutress?
A game in which a person passes a message from person to person in a group by whispering in their ear. The goal is to send and maintain the original message and the challenge is to see if and how the messages changes from the original sender to the final receiver.
What is the Telephone Game?
Remember...Stop-Think-Go! some of the ways to refuse or resist peer pressure are: Say "No thanks", walk away, give a reason or excuse (practice, an appt., allergies, parent coming home, etc). People who can help include: your Principal, parents, siblings, teachers, counselors, coaches, friends, other relatives, hotlines, etc.
What are ways to resist peer pressure and who can you go to for help if needed?
Having a quality or qualities that may be different or special, unlike anyone or anything else.
What makes you Unique?
When a person tries to convince you to do something, through persuasion, reasons or teasing you.
What is a Direct Influence on your decisions?
Arguing or fighting with peers or adults, biting your fingernails, keeping it inside or taking it out on others, eating unhealthy food, sleeping too much or not enough, doing risky/unhealthy things.
What are examples of dealing with stress in a negative or unhealthy way?
Good communication skills are learned and can help you problem solve, manage your emotions and get along with others. You communicate Effectively when the message sent between you and your receiver is interpreted in the same way. (Not misperceived)
Why is it important to learn good and effective communication skills in life?
An important part of being Assertive is to use "I" messages. Avoid using a blaming statement: "You didn't return my video games". 1. Start by saying "I feel __frustrated__(ID the feeling) 2. When you (Explain why) _don't return my video game. 3. I want/need you to _return them without me having to keep calling you, 4. Because (Why?) I want to be able to trust you to borrow my stuff ".
What are the 4 parts of an " I" message?
An adult, sibling or peer that treats you unkindly, like you don't fit in, makes fun of your difference(s); or an Ad or commercial that tries to convince you that you must act, dress in a certain way or use a product (shoes, deoderant, clothes, music, fidgit spinner) to fit in or be cool!
What or Who impacts your self esteem?
When you are "swayed" or convinced to do something, not because you are told to by someone, but because you look up to a person, organization or something (like a video game) that promotes or demonstrates a desired behavior or outcome.
What is an Indirect Influence on your decisions?
Take several deep breaths/practice mindfulness, exercise, listen to music, talk to someone, take a walk, write or draw in a journal, go to your happy place:) (guided imagery)
What are positive/healthy ways to manage stress?
Most people think that talking is their only means of communicating. But 65% - 80% of communication is accomplished this way and is often associated with the expression of our emotions.
What is non-verbal communication?
Communicating with someone we are mad or upset with without blaming them or getting into a fight .
What are the benefits of using an I-message?