Self Image
Decision Making
Communication Skills
What is the definition of self-image?
What is a mental picture that we have about ourselves?
Give one example of an everyday decision that you make.
What is what to wear, what to eat.
Name two things that happen to someone's body within seconds of smoking.
What is heart beats faster, hand steadiness decreases, carbon monoxide in lung increases, temperature of the skin drops, the pattern of the brain waves changes.
Give one reason why communication is an important skill.
What is good communication helps develop healthy relationships, avoid bad feelings, prevent misunderstandings, get work done, etc.
List three situations where it may be difficult for you or someone else to stand up for themselves.
What is any response generated by the student
Name two places where self-image comes from.
What is Friends, family. also acceptable: responses that identify other significant external image references. (media)
Describe the difference between simple choices and a major decision.
What is simple choices can be decided on what we like. Major decisions require more thought.
What is one reason that smoking makes a person's heart beat faster?
What is Nicotine or inhaled carbon monoxide.
What are the two types of communication? Give an example of each.
What is verbal, as in using words and the loudness and tone of your voice. Non-verbal as in gestures, body language, or facial expressions.
What are two reasons why someone may find it difficult to stand up for themselves?
What is scared, or too little
What are the four steps for setting a goal?
What is realistic, manageable, measurable, and meaningful.
What does influence mean?
What is to be persuaded or pressured by other people or other factors when making choices or decisions.
Rather than calming you down, smoking makes you more nervous. Why is this?
What is Nicotine, the main stimulant in tobacco smoke, is a stimulant.
What is a misunderstanding?
What is a misunderstanding is the result of a failure to communicate clearly. The sender communicates one message but the receiver hears another.
List three ways that people can respond to difficult situations.
What is passive, aggressive, assertive
What are two important tips for achieving goals?
What is being realistic and meaningful.
Name three people or things around you that can influence your decisions.
What is parents, friends, media, etc.
Name two long-term effects of smoking.
What is Cancers, lung diseases, heart diseases
What is a good way to avoid a misunderstanding?
What is listening or asking them to repeat the directions.
Name three benefits of being assertive.
What is any student response
Why is goal setting important?
What is any response that reflects the connection between how we see ourselves and how we behave and the capacity to change or accomplish objectives.
What are the three C's of Decision making?
What is clarify, consider, choose.
What does taking our pulse tell us about our heart?
What is how slow or fast it is beating
Describe how you might use communication skills to improve your communications either at school, at home, or with friends.
What is any response that identifies an area to apply the skill and a benefit.
Describe one verbal assertive skill or one refusal technique.
What is any refusal skills.