From conception to birth
What is the time frame for Prenatal development?
legs & arms
large motor skills
around 3 months
infants smile?
hands & fingers
small motor skills
baby teeth with permanent
the physical development for school-age years replace?
right and wrong
moral development is when you learn?
65 years old to death
late adulthood time period?
consider others feelings
social development for school-aged children learn to share and?
smiling when happy, crying when sad
infants express emotions by?
before birth
learn to express _______ as they mature
develops a __________ that guides behavior
healthy moms
healthy babies start with?
infancy intellectual development changes occur more ______ than any other stage of life
15 months
most toddlers start walking by?
from 9th week of pregnancy to birth
slows once they become a toddler
toddlers growth?
physical, social, intellectual, emotional, and moral
the five areas of development?
character traits you inherit from your parents through genes that are passed
relate to others at different stages of their lives
understanding of human development help you?
human development
the process that continues through the life span?
appearance, strength, and coordination
physical development has changes in?
the ability to think, understand, communicate, and reason
intellectual development is?
age 19
early adulthood age periods starts?
the first 8 weeks of a developing baby