Early Adulthood 1
Early Adulthood 2
Middle Adulthood 1
Middle Adulthood 2

What is the age range of early adulthood that is considered a stable period of growth?

20 to early 40's


True or False: the reproductive system is not at its peak functional capacity during early adulthood

False, it is at its peak functional capacity


What is the age range of those in middle adulthood?

mid 40's to early 60's


bones lose mass as a result of demineralization leading to porous, brittle bones producing what disease?



At what age does menopause take place?



what may result in a 38 year old person when dietary habits remain unchanged as BMR decreases with age?

increase/gain weight


In early adulthood, how are friends chosen?

by similarity of life stages (age of children, duration of marriage, occupation, community interests)


What grandparenting style is the grandparent held in high esteem and regard; gives knowledge and guidance to those younger, and bestowed by family customs and beliefs?

wisdom figure


What common sleep disorder is excessive daytime sleepiness?



What grandparenting style does the grandparent tend to do most child-rearing activities while parents are at work and make parenting decisions?



What are the 5 goals of the stage of early adulthood?

1. choosing and establishing careers

2. fulfilling sexual needs

3. establishing home and family

4. expanding social circle

5. developing maturity


What factors influence sexual development of early adulthood?

biological development, personality traits, cultural and social influences, religious and ethical values


In middle adulthood, those persons in this stage of life are able to think in a concrete and pragmatic manner, what does pragmatic mean?

they are able to deal with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practicality rather than theories


What are the 5 goals of middle adulthood?

1. establishing and adjusting to new family roles

2. securing economic stability

3. maintaining positive self-image

4. evaluating or redesigning career options

5. maintaining health


What causes wrinkling and sagging of the skin in a middle age adult?

cells of the dermis are less elastic


A 36 year old client comes into the office to discuss weight loss and to improve overall health. They are exercising by walking 20 minutes 2 to 3 days per week. They want to know what they should do and if that is enough to reach their goal?

The answer is it is not enough. To improve health, a person aged 36 should exercise 3-5x/week for at least 30 minutes per session


Staying active is important as one ages. If a person does not choose to stay active, what can lack of exercise lead to? (5)




joint pain

weight gain

A 56 year old man comes into the office for a physical when he states to you that is BP has increased slightly over the last few years. As his nurse, what is your response?

That this is a normal occurance at his age due to the muscles of the heart losing elasticity


You work at an inner city clinical and have a client come to the clinic that states they are in their fifties and what to know how to better improve their overall health. As the nurse, what do you educate them on in regards to health promotion?

wt management, healthy lifestyles, regular exercise, yearly physical exams, screening for blood cholesterol levels, healthy diet


In middle age, how do people adjust to new family roles?

no longer spend time of child centered activities but on couple centered

develop true intimacy is critical to the survival of close relationships

both individuals must be flexible and ready to support each other's struggles to adapt to new roles

Empty nest syndrome

A 40 year old woman seeing the provider, speaks to the nurse about what she has accomplished so far in life and she is not happy with what she has chosen for her life. As her nurse, how do you respond?

state that how she feels is normal, and if she is not happy, she needs to re-evaluate what she wants from life and either accept it, or make changes that will make her happy with the life she has chosen for herself/decisions she has made


What is a major social role of adulthood?



You have a 46 year old woman come into the office requesting information on how to prevent osteoporosis since her Mom and Grandmother had it. What education do you provide her?

Make sure she takes adequate calcium and vitamin D, exercise and diet, exposure to the sun, if provider advises- hormone replacement


What stage of psychosocial development in regards to Erik Erikson's theory, does a middle aged adult go through?

Generativity Vs. Stagnation


In middle age, what issues may cause issues sleeping/insomnia?


health problems

lack of physical activity