Gifts and Fruits
Lent and Easter

This fruit is giving good example in all that we do.

What is goodness?


When a man and a woman love each other (and God) very much, they often receive this sacrament.

What is marriage/matrimony?


These three names for God are known as the Trinity and are said during the sign of the cross.

What is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit?


This is the day that Jesus rose from the dead.

What is Easter Sunday?


"...Thy kingdom come, thy will be done..." are words that are a part of this prayer.

What is the Our Father?


This fruit is proper attitude toward others and control over our sexual desires.

What is chastity?


We receive this sacrament in the form of transubstantiated bread and wine during the mass during the second of the two liturgies.

What is Eucharist/Holy Communion?


These three figures delivered gold, frankincense and myrrh to the baby Jesus.

What are The 3 Kings?


14 "stops" that Jesus made along his way carrying the cross, often prayed during Lent.

What are the Stations of the Cross?


This priest has a Bible in a year podcast and is featured in a lot of the educational Catholic videos we show.

Who is Father Mike Schmitz?


This gift of the Holy Spirit helps us to see things as God sees them. Helps us to see that the world is only a temporary place for us and that heaven is our true home.

What is Wisdom?


This is the sacrament that priests, deacons, and bishops receive so they can serve the church.

What is Holy Orders?


My true love gave me this on the Third day of Christmas.

What are three French Hens?


This is the day that Jesus died on the cross.

What is Good Friday?


A prayer that is said over nine days for a special intention.

What is a novena?


This gift of the Holy Spirit gives us the strength to be faithful to Christ when is difficult to do so. 

What is fortitude?


This is what you pray before receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation.

What is an examination of conscience?

These are the three sacraments of initiation.

What are Baptism, Eucharist/Communion, and Confirmation?


The washing of the feet takes place on this Holy day.

What is Holy Thursday?


These are the four symbols of the Holy Spirit.

What is wind, fire, water, and a dove?


This gift of the Holy Spirit helps us to treat God with the trust with which a child treats his father.

What is piety?


This is the act of contrition that is said during Reconciliation (the whole thing).

What is Oh My God, I am sorry for my sins. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you, whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend with your help to do penance, sin no more, and avoid whatever leads me to sin.


This is a fancy word to represent the three days (counted from dusk to dusk) that include Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday to Easter Sunday.

What is the Triduum?


These are the 3 pillars of lent.

What are prayer, fasting and almsgiving?


This is John 3:16.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."