Past Perfect
Pot luck

Mary (nie była przyzwyczajona do chodzenia) 5 km every day; her feet hurt a lot.

Mary WASN'T USED TO WALKING 5 km every day; her feet hurt a lot.


Complete the sentence:

I ____(live) in Chicago for a month when my parents decided to move to New York.

I HAD BEEN LIVING in Chicago for a month when...


Complete the sentence with a correct word:

My friend wants to open a new restaurant to ____ his dream.

My friend wants to open a new restaurant to _FULFIL___ his dream.


Stop D_ _ T _ _ _ _ _ _ G me! I'm trying to concentrate.



Choose the correct word:

Do you know what I mean by origami? Obviously/Basically/Not surprisingly, it involves folding paper into forms like plants or birds.

Do you know what I mean by origami? Basically, it involves folding paper into forms like plants or birds.


My dad (kiedyś czytał mi) bedtime stories every night, but now he doesn't anymore.

w zdaniu nie może pojawić się USED

My dad WOULD READ me bedtime stories...



When we got to the theatre, the play ____(already/begin).

When we got to the theatre, the play HAD ALREADY BEGUN.


Translate into English:

Spędziłam 10 lat w klubie tańca, by zyskać doświadczenie.

I spent 10 years in a dance club to gain experience.


A: I can recognise this woman's face, but I'm hopeless at remembering names!

B: Same here! I can't ______ her name.

A: I can recognise this woman's face, but I'm hopeless at remembering names!

B: Same here! I can't ___RECALL___ her name


Complete with one word:

I'm joining a gymnastics class. I'm a complete beginner, but ____ I'll soon pick up the basics.

I'm joining a gymnastics class. I'm a complete beginner, but _HOPEFULLY___ I'll soon pick up the basics.


Uzupełnij drugie zdanie tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Możesz użyć max 5 wyrazów. Użyj podanego wyrazu.

There wasn't a cinema here.

There _______________(be) a cinema here.

There DIDN'T USE TO BE a cinema here.



I was hungry, because I ___ (not/eat) all day.

I was hungry, because I HADN'T BEEN EATING/HADN'T EATEN all day.


Paraphrase the sentence using the given word:

She concentrated on improving her pronunciation.

She _____(attention) improving her pronunciation.

She focused her attention on improving her pronunciation.


Translate and write it on the board (speling must be perfect)

mieć rozbudowane słownictwo

have an extensive vocabulary


Chcesz zapytać podróżnego w pociągu czy miejsce obok niego jest wolne. Jak to zrobisz?

e.g. Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?


Correct a mistake:

I didn't use to speaking on the phone to my friends, because I always text them.

I AM NOT USED TO SPEAKING on the phone to my friends...

Connect these two sentences into one:

We were waiting for ages. You arrived. 


When you arrived, we had been waiting for ages.


Translate into English:

1. pogarszać się (o sytuacji)

2. utknąć w miejscu

3. przychodzić komuś z łatwością

1. go downhill

2. not getting anywhere

3. come naturally to sb

Match:1. acquire   2. absorb  3. be   4. distract    5. do   6. have   7. recall

a. mental arithmetic   b. names    c. someone    d. a second language     e. wise      f. information     g. an extensive vocabulary

1. acquire a second language (d)

2. absorb informationf(b)

3. be wise (e)

4. distract someone (c)

5. do mental arithmetic (a)

6. have an extensive vocabulary (g)

7. recall names (b)


Chcesz pogratulować koledze zdanego egzaminu, co powiesz? (musisz wyraźnie zaznaczyć czego mu gratulujesz)

Congratulations on passing your exam!


Correct a mistake:

When I was eleven, I used to start a new school.

When I was 11, I STARTED a new school.

Connect these two sentences into one:

First John mastered Italian. Then he returned home.

By the time....

By the time John returned home, he had mastered Italian.


Complete the sentences with a correct preposition, you can make ONE mistake only to get 500 points.

1. They aren't capable ___ sailing.

2. I'm hopeless ___ drawing.

3. It took me a long time to put theory ___ practice.

4. You need to focus your attention ___ music when you're dancing.

5. It didn't take her long to pick ___ basics when she learned to ski.

6. It can be a real boost ___ confidence when you get a promotion.

1. They aren't capable _OF__ sailing.

2. I'm hopeless _AT__ drawing.

3. It took me a long time to put theory _INTO__ practice.

4. You need to focus your attention __TO_ music when you're dancing.

5. It didn't take her long to pick _UP__ basics when she learned to ski.

6. It can be a real boost _TO__ confidence when you get a promotion


Podaj nazwy poszczególnych okresów życia człowieka:

1. (0-10)...

2. (11-19)...

3. (20-39) young...

4. (45-60) ...

5. (65+) older...

Podaj nazwy poszczególnych okresów życia człowieka:

1. (0-10)childhood

2. (11-19) adolescence

3. (20-39) young adulthood

4. (45-60) middle age

5. (65+) older generation


Translate into English:

1. Dziękuję. -- Nie ma za co.

2. Naprawdę to doceniam.

1. Thank you -- Not at all/Don't mention it.

2. I really appreciate it.