what time does youth officially start?
WHY IS 7pm? If the person answering this was on time, bonus 100 points. Subtract 100 if late
which of these series from pastor Pao is NOT a title he used?
Running on empty ? Rooted ? Intentional? Idolatry?
what is ROOTED?
How many chapters are in the book of Psalms
what is 150?
God's sign to remind of his promise to never destroy the earth with water again
what is a Rainbow Genesis 9:13
which persons name is "the mother of all living"
who is EVE
Name the two people sharing the same birthday in June?
why is Yzabelle and Vanessa?
Fill in the blank.
Christian belief should transfer to Christian _____?
what is BEHAVIOR?
What does Deuteronomy mean?
What is “second law” because moses had to repeat the laws
WHERE were the 10 commandments given?
what is Mount Sinai Exodus 31:18
Who was Abraham going to sacrifice?
Who is his son Isaac?
How many siblings does pastor Pao have?
What is “2”
Who helped Moses keep his arms raised?
Who is Aaron and Hur? Exodus 17
Which EXACT book and chapters are the Sermon on the Mount located
what is Matthew 5-7
Who fought God until daybreak?
Who is Jacob, who was renamed Israel? Genesis 32:28
Who were thrown into the fiery furnace?
who are Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego Daniel 3:21
If you add the ages of Marko, Ian, John, Noah and Yzy what age do you get? but If any of these people say their ages outloud, minus 400 points.
whomst is 110?
what does Ephesians 4:29 say?
what is "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion , that it may give grace to those who hear?"
What is the shortest book in the New Testament
What is 2 John
What does “Immanuel” mean?
What is “God with us”
Who replaced Judas as an Apostle?
who is Matthias?
Name ALL currrent youth breakout group leaders? if you are wrong even by one, deduct 500 points. leaders cannot answer
Who are Abby, Jea, Luke, Marko, Jabez, Daniel?
what does the photo of a turtle on a fence post represent?
what is, turtles cannot jump, fly, climb, meaning someone placed him on that fence, reminding us we don't get to places on our own effort but through God
What is the 28th book in the bible?
What is “Hosea”
How many days did it take to create the world/everything?
What is 6 days. On the 7th He rested
What is, a manifestation of Christ even before His birth?