The first step in the first path
What is a Average Star?
Where does the Earth, and our solar system, reside in the Milky Way Galaxy?
In the spiral arm of the Milky Way OR Orion Spur
What does the Y - Axis (Vertical) represent on an HR Diagram?
Luminosity or Brightness of Stars
What is in the middle of the Milky Way Galaxy?
A black hole.
What does the X - Axis (horizontal) represent on an HR Diagram?
Temperature In Kelvin... of the Stars
How many stars are in our solar system?
What are the other two characteristics of an HR diagram that are measured (Besides Temperature and Luminosity)?
Color and Size
One of the paths of a Supernova.
What is a black hole or neutron star?
Where are most of the young stars located in Spiral Galaxies?
Spiral Arms
As you move towards the left on an HR Diagram, what happens to the temperature of the stars?
The temperature increases in Kelvin
What determines the lifecycle of a star once it is born?
Where are the older stars located in Spiral Galaxies?
Near the Galactic Center
How do we determine a Star's brightness?
By comparing the brightness to that of the Sun.