
If three lifeguards are on duty, emergency back-up coverage takes place:

Whenever the facility EAP is activated.


A large number of patrons are swimming at the facility. For effective patron surveillance, your supervisor decides to add another lifeguard station and tells you to modify the zone coverage based on the new station to:

Reduce the number of patrons watched by each lifeguard


During in-service training, lifeguards practice the steps of recognizing a distressed swimmer, rescuing an active victim, informing management and speaking with witnesses. The lifeguards are practicing parts of a(n):

Emergency action plan.


In the event of thunder and lightning at an outdoor facility, lifeguards should:

Clear everyone from the water at the first sound of thunder or first sighting of lightning.


When placing a responsive victim with a suspected head, neck or spinal injury on a backboard, what in-line stabilization technique should you use?

The over-arm head splint


A couple of patrons start running on the pool deck. You blow your whistle to get their attention. Next, you enforce the rules and regulations by:

Telling them they could slip or fall and must walk on the deck


You notice a patron that is swimming laps who suddenly slips under water without a struggle and does not resurface. This person is probably

A passive victim who needs help.


A child accidentally falls from the deck into the water and is in distress. After you activate the emergency action plan (EAP), what steps should you take next?

Enter the water, approach the victim and bring them to a safe exit point


The size and shape of a lifeguard’s zone should allow them to recognize and reach a victim in the furthest and deepest part of their zone within:

30 seconds


When caring for a suspected head, neck or spinal injury in water, proper manual inline stabilization is:

Provided using the head splint technique


When conducting a swim test, Lifeguards should use the:

Water Competency Sequence


Which of the following is true about accidental fecal releases (AFRs)?

Require water treatment, temporary pool closure and immediate lifeguard attention.


While searching your zone, you notice a person motionless in the water. The steps you follow in a water emergency are performed in the following order:

Size-up the scene, activate the EAP, form an initial impression, summon EMS personnel, perform a primary assessment and perform a secondary assessment


A lifeguard can no longer see some of the patrons at one side of the swimming area from their station because of glare from the afternoon sun. To maintain effective patron surveillance, the lifeguard should:

Adjust their position slightly to remove the glare from the surveillance area.


A head, neck or spinal injury rarely happens:

In deep water at a supervised facility.


You are approaching a victim who is horizontal in the water, at the surface in 4 feet of water. The victim is facing you and appears to be unconscious. What rescue technique would be appropriate in this situation?

Passive victim front rescue


When completing an incident report:

Collect all factual information about what was seen, heard and the actions taken.


You enter the mechanical room and find a maintenance worker lying on their back on the floor next to a ladder. You check the scene and determine it is safe to enter. During your primary assessment, you find the victim is unresponsive but breathing. You must leave to get help, what should you do?

Place the victim in a recovery position.


Which of the following is a primary responsibility of a lifeguard?

Enforcing facility rules and regulations and educating patrons about them


You enter the water to rescue a victim with a suspected spinal injury. You determine that the victim is not breathing. What should you do next?

Remove the victim from the water using the Extrication Using a Backboard at the Pool Edge technique.


A lifeguard keeps an eye on the patrons of the pool, actively searching and checking the bottom, middle and surface of the water. The lifeguard is demonstrating:

Effective scanning.


The lifeguard supervisor expects the pool to be very busy in the afternoon. For effective patron surveillance, the supervisor sets up multiple lifeguard stations to reduce the number of patrons watched by each lifeguard. This type of coverage is called:

Zone coverage.


As a lifeguard, you may expect to participate in all of the following drills to evaluate the effectiveness of your zone EXCEPT:

Tell Drill


The objective of the facility safety team is to:

Assist lifeguards in maintaining a safe environment and providing emergency care.


 A parent and child walk over to you; the parent states that the child fell on the pool deck and hit their head. You notice there is blood and fluid running from the child’s ear and they are feeling dizzy. You activate the EAP and summon EMS personnel. What steps should you take next?

Bring the child a chair, ask them to sit down and tell them not to move. Perform a secondary assessment while waiting for EMS personnel to arrive.