First Aid Facts
First Aid Scenarios
Spinal Scenarios

What does each letter in SAMPLE stand for? 

S: Signs and Symptoms

A: Allergies

M: Medications

P: Pertinent Past Medical History

L: Last Oral Intake

E: Events leading up to the incident


A child comes up to you on stand. They appear to be bleeding from the mouth, and their tooth is in their hand. What steps should you follow to handle this scenario? 

1. 1 long whistle

2. Call First Aid and Breaker Over

3. Tell First Aid to find the child's parent and take them to first aid. 

4. Tell the breaker that the water needs to be sanitized and cleared. 

5. Clear the water with 1 extra long whistle. 

First Aid:

1. Find the parent of the child. 

2. Introduce self and gain consent from parent

3. Glove up 

4. Stop the bleeding by rolling a gauze pad up and having the child bite down on it. 

5. Gather information as you wait for bleeding to stop. 

6. Once bleeding has stopped, have the child rinse their mouth. 

7. Have the child spit into a cup and place the tooth there. 

8. RAR: Fill out an incident report with the information you've gathered. Advise parent to take child to dentist so they can potentially reattach the tooth. 


You and 2 other lifeguards are performing CPR on a guest who lost their pulse as a result of a drowning. Before applying the AED pads, what should you do? 

Remove the guest from any standing water using a beach drag and/or dry off the victim's chest. 


You are the on stand lifeguard. You see a guest jump into the water and hit their head on a rock. They are face down in the water and appear motionless. What steps should you take to care for this scenario? 

1. 2 long whistles

2. Slide in entry. Assume it is a spinal scenario until you figure out otherwise. 

3. Perform a head splint technique with a roll, check for responsiveness, and listen for breathing. 

4. If the victim is responsive and breathing, perform a spinal backboarding procedure. 

5. If the victim is unresponsive, get them out of the water as quick as possible. 


If you see someone holding a baby in a scenario what should you do. 

Pray to God that it's just a decoy, but understand that there's a high chance the scenario might revolve around that baby. 


When someone's blood sugar is low how many grams of sugar should we give them. What form of sugar is preferable? 

15 grams. Glucose tablets. 

You are in the first aid office, and you notice a male guest that looks to be in his twenties seizing on the ground. What are the steps you need to take in this scenario? 

1. Two long whistles. Check your watch and note the time. 

2. Move any foreign object out of the way

3. If a towel is available, quickly place it under the seizing person's head. 

4. Glove up. 

5. If a towel is not available, don't wait. Rest your gloved hands under the seizing person's head. 

6. "Does anybody know this person!?" 

7. Gather as much information as possible. 

8. If needed, tell the breaker to call EMS. 

9. Once the seizing stops, immediately transition into checking for responsiveness. 

10. If unresponsive, tell the breaker to relay that information to EMS. 

11. Check for a pulse and breathing. 

12. If pulse and breathing is present, relay the info to EMS and place the guest into a recovery position. 

13. Help the breaker fill out an incident report while continuing to monitor the guests' LOC and clear the airway of any vomit. 


When performing CPR on a young child, how deep, in inches, should your compressions go? 

No more than 2 inches.


You are the assisting lifeguard for a guest with a spinal injury when you notice that the guest shuts their eyes and stops responding to questions. What should you do? 

1. Announce to the rescuing lifeguard that the victim has gone passive. 

2. Tell another lifeguard to relay this information to EMS. 

3. Get the victim out of the water using a fast extrication technique (Extrication at the pool edge using a backboard, beach drag, etc.) 

4. Glove up 

5. Perform a primary assessment

6. When checking for a pulse and breathing, open the airway but do not pull the head into extension. 

7. Proceed as prompted. 


What should you do if you see a 13 year old boy names AJ in a guard comp scenario?

Assume he's going to be a victim somehow and pay extra careful attention to him. 


What does each letter in FAST stand for, and what do we use the acronym for? 

F: Face- Is one side of the face droopy? 

A: Arms- Can they lift both arms? 

S: Speech- When they say a simple sentence, is their speech slurred? 

T: Time- Note down the time when the symptoms started 


You are the on stand lifeguard when a guest comes up to you clutching their throat and is unable to speak. You ask them if they are choking, and they nod their head. What steps do you take to handle this scenario? 

1. 2 long whistles. 

2. Tell first aid to call EMS because you have a guest with an airway obstruction. 

3. Glove up. 

4. Introduce yourself and ask for consent. 

5. Get that stance. Tell the guest to place their legs shoulder width apart and put their arms down. 

6. Lean the guest forward and administer 5 back blows. 

7. If the object has not been dislodged, lean the guest up and administer 5 stomach thrusts. 

8. Continue cycles of back blows and stomach thrusts until the object has been dislodged. 

9. If the victim goes passive, update EMS and immediately transition into 30 compressions followed by a check of the airway and 2 ventilations. 

10. If the item never goes passive and the object is successfully dislodged, RAR. 


About how many cycles of CPR should you perform in 2 minutes if you are at the correct tempo? 

5 cycles. 


After extricating your spinal victim, you notice that their skin looks pale, their speech is becoming slurred, and they are shivering. What condition are they experiencing, and what should you do? 

They are displaying symptoms of hypothermia and/or shock. 

1. Update EMS immediately. 

2. Use an aluminum foil blanket or dry piece of clothing to cover the victim.

3. Continue to monitor the victim for changes in LOC and be prepared to perform a primary assessment if the victim goes unconscious. 


What does RICE stand for?

R: Rest

I: Immobilize

C: Cold

E: Elevate

This is used for things like sprains. 


When do we stop CPR? 

-An obvious sign of life: Breathing regularly, pulse, responsiveness

-An AED is analyzing and/or administering a shock 

-The scene becomes unsafe

-You are alone and too exhausted to continue (SO HELP ME GOD IF YOU STOP BECAUSE OF THIS DEN MOTHER WILL MURDER YOU) 

-EMS Takes over

-"End Scenario" 


You are the on stand lifeguard when a mother hands you their unconscious infant. After activating your EAP and going through your primary assessment, you know that the victim HAS a pulse but they are NOT breathing. What steps should you take to handle this scenario?

1. Tell first aid to relay the information to EMS. 

2. Give your first ventilation (little puff) 

3. Count: "2, breathe in breathe out, 3, breathe in breathe out, 4....."

4. After you give your 40th ventilation, recheck for a pulse and breathing on the brachial artery.

5. If there is still a pulse but no breathing, update EMS and continue to give your 41st ventilation. 


If you are attempting to perform CPR on a person but the AED malfunctions, i.e., the pads are stuck together or it does not turn on, what should you do? 

Notify EMS of the situation immediately. Continue CPR without the AED. Rotate every 5 cycles to reduce fatigue. 


You are on stand when a heavy set person dives into a pool and cannot feel their toes. You know that you are not strong enough to perform a pool edge spinal. What should you do? 

Communicate with you assisting lifeguard. Tell them that you will need to perform a high edge spinal back boarding procedure. 


What should you do if someone vomits in the water? 

Blow an extra long whistle to clear the water. With gloves on, use a skimmer to get out as much of the vomit as you can. Empty the skimmer in the trash and disinfect the skimmer. "Disinfect the water" Obviously you won't actually do it. 

When should we call EMS for a seizure? 

-In water 

-Their first seizure

-Back to back seizures with no lucid period

-They hit their head during the seizure

-They are pregnant

-If the seizure is longer than 5 minutes

-If they have no pulse or no breathing afterwards

-If they breathing or pulse does not calm down after the seizure

-If it is a small child or infant



You are the lifeguard in first aid when a child comes up to you. They tell you that they got stung by a bee. When you form your initial impression you see redness and swelling on their arm, but there is no stinger stuck in the skin. The child's skin appears flushed and they complain of shortness of breath. What steps should you take to handle this scenario?  

1. 2 long whistles

2. "Whose child is this?"

3. Introduce yourself and obtain consent from the parent to help the child. 

4. Glove up

5. Call EMS. You have a child that is having an allergic reaction to a bee sting. They are experiencing anaphylaxis. 

6. Gather information: SAMPE are all relevant to this scenario. 

7. Ask the parent if they have an epi-pen. Explain that we cannot give the child medication, but we can help administer it. 

8. If they have an epi-pen, get consent to help administer the medication into the child's thigh. (Orange to the thigh, blue to the sky) 

9. Explain to the child and parent what you are going to do. Help administer the epi-pen by jabbing it into the thigh and holding for 3 seconds. Gently massage the injection site for 10 seconds after you have administered the epinephrine. 

10. Continue to monitor the child's LOC and update EMS as you wait for the epinephrine to take effect. 

11. Fill out an incident report. 


What should you do if your victim vomits during CPR with three people? 

Roll the victim over. Clear the airway using a finger sweep. Dry the surrounding area so the vomit does not impact the effectiveness of the AED, and restart that round of compressions. 


What should you do if your spinal victim says they are 13? 

Immediately start trying to find the parent by asking "Whose child is this?" When you find the parent, make sure an assisting lifeguard communicates with them about every care step. Once out of the water, obtain consent from the parent to continue to give care to the child. 


How long must the water be clear for a solid vs a liquid code brown? 

For solid, the pH of the water must be 7.5 for at least 30 minutes before guests can re-enter. If it is a liquid code brown, you may tell guests that they cannot re-enter for the rest of the day. But scientifically, at least 24 hours.