Jean Piaget
Erik Erikson
Howard Gardner
Lev Vygotsky
ACES and Trauma
Gen Cards
Talented People

This is the stage where a child learns through interacting with objects and senses. While coordinating their senses with their motor skills. 

What is the Sensorimotor Stage?


During this stage, individuals develop a sense of personal identity.

What is Identity vs. Role Confusion?


This type of intelligence is related to understanding and managing emotions.

Answer: What is Intrapersonal Intelligence?


This is the term for when children speak to themselves to guide their own actions.

What is Private Speech?


ACES stands for this.

Answer: What is Adverse Childhood Experiences?


This parenting style is characterized by high demands but low responsiveness.

(domineering, tyrannical, punishes, does not respond to your feelings)

What is Authoritarian Parenting?


This generation is most likely to vividly remember when the stock market crashed in 1987 and have had more experience with a rubix cube than you. 

Who are Generation X (1965 - 1979)?


Trey Songz an example of a person with high  intelligence of which type?



At this stage, children begin to think symbolically, use proper syntax and grammar, but lack logical reasoning.

Answer: What is the Preoperational Stage?


During early childhood, children strive to be more independent in this stage.

Answer: What is Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt?


This type of intelligence relates to strong verbal and linguistic abilities.

Answer: What is Linguistic Intelligence?


Lev Vygotsky was born in the year of 1996 & died of Sha'mone-culosis. True or False

What is False - 1896 and Tuberculosis


Having a higher number of ACES increases the risk for this health outcome.

Answer: What is (name any Chronic Disease)?


This parenting style involves warmth and nurturing but few rules or structure.

(no demands, "I'm a cool mom", gives-in too much)

Answer: What is Permissive Parenting?


This generation are most likely enjoys their folding scooters, Tesla cars, Spotify, say things like GOAT and slay, and vividly recall the 2007–2008 global financial crisis.

Who are Generation Z (1995 - 2009)?


Simone Biles an example of a person with high  intelligence of which type?



At this stage, children understand the concept of time, space and the conservation.

Answer: What is the Concrete Operational Stage?


During middle adulthood, this stage involves contributing to society and helping future generations.

What is Generativity vs. Stagnation?


This intelligence relates to being good with numbers and logical reasoning.

Answer: What is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence?


This concept refers to the distance between what a learner can do without help and what they can achieve with guidance.

What is the Zone of Proximal Development?


This is a common post psychological disorder that can result from trauma.

What is PTSD?


This type of parenting style provides little to no support or guidance of any kind, overly occupied with other interest or responsibilities. 

Answer: What is Uninvolved, Negligent, Lazy, Dead Beat Parenting.


This generation is likely to use phrases like: 



-Doh, as in though   


-Bling, Bling

Who are Generation Y (1980 - 1994)?


Steve Irwin is an example of a person with high  intelligence of which type?

What is Naturalistic?


The ability to perform mental operations on abstract ideas marks this stage. Strategy and planning are now possible to do. Concepts learned in one context are applied to another.

Answer: What is the Formal Operational Stage?


In infancy, the development of this depends on the consistent care of a caregiver.

What is Trust vs. Mistrust?


A person who is skilled at visualizing space and creating maps likely has this intelligence.

Answer: What is Spatial Intelligence?


What does Lev Vygotsky's MKO stand for regarding anyone with a greater understanding of the task or concept that a child is trying to complete or learn. 

What is More Knowledgeable Other?


This appeasement behavior involves attempting to avoid conflict by acting overly friendly, submissive, or compliant towards a perceived threat, essentially trying to "please" the aggressor to avoid harm. 

What is Fawn(ing)?


This parenting style, balancing demands with support, is considered most effective.

Answer: What is Authoritative Parenting?


This generation will still appreciate the simplicity of a good ole frisbee toss game and know how to work the A and B side of an audio cassette tape. 

Who are the Baby Boomers? (1946 - 1964)


As a leading advocate in her day, Helen Keller is an example of a person with high  intelligence of which type?

What is Interpersonal Intelligence?


This term refers to the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen.

What is Object Permanence?


This term describes the healthy balance between intimacy and the feeling of independence in adulthood.

Answer: What is Intimacy vs. Isolation?


This intelligence is about excelling in activities involving coordination and body movement.

Answer: What is Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence?


This term describes the process of adults providing support to help a child solve a problem or learn a task.

What is Scaffolding?


Childhood experiences are powerful determinants of who we become as adults. 

What is True?


This parenting style can significantly shape a child's emotional development.

Answer: What is Authoritative Parenting?


This generation are most likely to use phrases like:

-Fanum Tax





-Just Put the Fries in the Bag, Bro




Who are Generation Alpha (2010 - 2024)?


Although possessing many intelligences, Jesus Christ would be an example of a person with high  intelligence of which type regarding the meaning of life and death?

What is Existential Intelligence?