Where in the World
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The town or country where Juan Diego encountered Our Lady of Guadalupe at Tepeyac. 

What is Mexico City


The number of children who were the primary witnesses of Our Lady of Fatima. 

What is three


Mary's description of herself to Bernadette of Lourdes, emphasized in the phrase of the Miraculous Medal, that developed into the dogma proclaimed in Christian Tradition that says Mary was preserved from original sin. 

What is the Immaculate Conception


A sacramental depicting Mary standing on a globe and crushing a serpent beneath her feet. 

What is the Miraculous Medal? 


This appearance of Mary promoted the conversion of nearly six million Aztecs over several years, and Catholic Christianity began to spread across North and South America. 

What is Our Lady of Guadalupe? 


The City where Our Lady appeared to Catherine Laboure. 

What is Paris, France


The number of Marian apparitions featured in the "Spectrum" series to occur in France. 

What is four. 


The Prayer Mary taught St. Dominic and implored Bernadette and the children of Fatima to pray. 

What is the Rosary


The simple fabric-fully intact centuries later-that contains an image of Mary that miraculously appeared to identify her appearance as authentic. 

What is the tilma?


The number of Marian Feast days that are Holy Days of Obligation in the Catholic Church. 

What is three? 


The site of a miraculous spring of water revealed to Bernadette. 

What is Lourdes, France


The total number of times Mary appeared to five children on a playground in Beauraing, Belgium. 

What is thirty-three


The message of Mary through Juan Diego to the officials in Mexico; the same message given to children in Belgium. 

What is "Build a church"


Mary's appearance in a long white dress with a white veil and a golden crown of light. 

What is our Lady of the Golden Heart?


This pope proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854. 

What is Pope Pius IX? 


This is where Mary appeared to three children named Jacinta, Lucia, and Francisco.

What is Fatima, Portugal


The century in which Mary appeared at Tepeyac. 

What is Sixteenth


Mary's intended audience for her messages, as revealed to three children from Africa. 

What is the whole world


A celestial miracle observed by more than 70,000 people that became the cause for many faith conversations. 

What is the Miracle of the Sun of Fatima? 


This makes Mary a powerful intercessor. 

What is her Motherhood of Jesus, love for her children, virtue, and closeness to God? 


The site of the most recent series of Marian apparitions. 

What is Kibeho, Rwanda


The number of stars encircling the Miraculous Medal image. 

What is twelve


A message Mary has repeated with a grieving heart. 

What is "Pray for sinners."


Mary's appearance in a blue dress covered with golden stars during which she did not speak, yet encouraged children to pray. 

What is Our Lady of Hope? 


A special image and devotion inspired by Simeon's prophecy that Mary's heart would be pierced with a sword out of sorrow for what Jesus must endure. 

What is the Immaculate Heart of Mary?