The Bible is ______'s word.
Who are Adam and Eve?
The first two people God created, in His image.
God is the _______ of the Bible.
How many books are there in the Bible?
Who is Noah?
God sent a flood to destroy the earth. God used Noah to build an ark. Putting 2 of every animal inside, and saving Noah and his family from the flood.
God knows_________.
What is the Bible?
The Bible is a letter from God to us.
Who is Moses?
God called Moses to save His people from slavery in Egypt.
How long has God been alive?
What does the Bible tell us?
The Bible tells us many things that happened in the past and some things that will happen in the future.
Who is David?
David fought a giant named Goliath. Defeating him with just a sling shot and stone.
How much does God know?
Why did God write the Bible?
God gave us His Word so we could know Him.
What was the secret to Samson's incredible strength?
His hair
God gave us His Word, the Bible. What can we learn from the Bible?
We can learn what is true, God's plan and how to live the best possible life.