Energy that needs a medium to travel
What is sound energy?
Type of energy that moves in a straight line?
What is a light?
Which color cup would reflect the most light? BLUE? PINK? BLACK?
What is PINK
What creates a shadow?
What is when light energy is blocked by an object
This organism produces its own food?
What is a producer
The loudness of sound?
What is volume?
Clear plastic is an example of this?
What is transparent?
a back and forth movement of matter?
What is vibration
The spectrum visible light can be found on?
What is the Electro Magnetic Spectrum
Name the 4 parts to a food chain?
What is sun, producer, consumer, and decomposer
The unit used to measure the volume of sound?
What is decibel
Every morning you look at yourslef in the mirror, how is it possible you can see yourself?
What is light is reflecting off the mirror creating an image
A triangle that refracts or bends light to create a rainbow?
what is a prism
How is an echo of sound and a reflection of light similar?
What is they both bounce off an object
What type of animal lays eggs, has scaly skin, and lives in mostly warmer temperatures?
What is a reptile?
According to the chart, which medium does sound travel through the slowest?
What is Carbon Dioxide
An object that allows no light through it?
What is an opaque object
Bats and Dolphins use this to help locate food or communicate?
What is echolocation
Looking at this picture, Why is the bucket blue?
What is because the color blue is being reflected back to us
This law states that an object will continue to move until acted on by an outside force?
What is Newton's 1st Law
According to this chart, what does Temperature have to do with the speed of sound?
What is the colder it is the slower sound is or what is the hotter the temp the faster sound is?
The number of vibrations per second?
What is frequency?
Matter or material that allows sound waves to travel through it?
What is a medium
I have a long string and short string. Which string will produce a higher pitch and why?
What is the short string because it has less room to vibrate or vibrates quicker
What are the 3 symbiotic relationships?
What is parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism?