Name three natural sources of light.
- fireflies
- lightning
- stars
- sun
- fire
What is a vibration?
vibrations are invisible waves that move up and down very quickly.
They are what make sound.
What province do we live in?
Name three examples of natural forces
landslides, tornadoes, hurricane, earthquake
What is a force?
A push or pull acting on an object.
Name three examples of artificial sources of light.
- light bulb, i-pad, flash light
Name a high-pitched sound
cricket, mouse,
Give an example of a light source that also gives off heat.
fire, candle,
Name three types of force
What metal is not attracted to a magnet?
nickel, iron, gold or steel
Give three examples of opaque objects. (Objects that will NOT allow light to pass through)
- wood
- desk
- couch
Name three part of your ear
ear drum, inner ear, cochlea, auditory conduit
What made the salt "dance" when we did the experiment with the tuning forks?
Name 2 safety devices that help the impact of a force
- life jacket, seat belt, helmet
a) sliding down a slide
b) car tires driving on a road
Give three examples of transparent objects. (Objects that let light pass through)
windows, glass, water, air
Give an example of a material that reflects sound.
- metal, wood, concrete
Name a low- pitched sound
bass drum
The force that pulls objects toward the earth.
The force that acts on objects that rub against each other
occurs when light bounces off the surface of a material.
a word that describes how humans hear pressure from sound
Give two examples of materials that absorb sound.
- wool sweater, foam, cotton, blankets
The force that attracts metals.
lightning is an example of what type of force?