What is it called when light bounces off an object and back to our eyes?
What do many beaches do so that sea turtles are not confused when they hatch?
They put different colored lights in so the turtles do not try and follow the wrong white light.
What happens when light is blocked from an object?
We are not able to see the object
Light travels in a _________ line.
An object is ____________ if light completely passes through it
What do we call it when two things bounce off of each other?
Collide or Collision
Explain why we could only see the first marshmallow in the line during the marshmallow experiment.
We could only see the first marshmallow because the first marshmallow was blocking the light of the other marshmallows.
Explain how we see an object.
Light hits the object and reflects back to our eyes.
What direction does light travel in?
All directions
When two objects move through each other without stopping.
Pass Through
When light bends as it passes through water or glass.
What happens when two beams of light cross each other?
They pass through each other
Why can't we see all of the sides of an object at the same time?
Your eyes can only capture the light reflecting off one side at a time. Light cannot jump over an object.
Light travels in __________ that pass through each other.
Heat, sound, and light are all forms of
What does it mean if something is opaque?
Light cannot pass through it.
Why couldn't you see everything in the box when you looked through the hole in the box?
There wasn't very much light and it was just bouncing back and forth between one part of the box and our eye.
Why can some animals see in more than one direction at a time?
Their eyes are on the side of their head instead of the front
When light bounces off an object it...where does it go?
It reflects back to our eyes.
What is the darkest material on Earth?
When light does not pass through something, it is being _______________ by the object.
What happens to light waves when two rocks are dropped into water on opposite sides of a tank?
The waves pass through each other
When we shined light on the wax paper, why did the reflection of light look cloudy?
The wax paper is translucent
If an object is transparent, how will light interact with it?
Light will pass through it.
When light passes through an object, but it looks blurry or is being absorbed a little bit, the object is ____________________.