The verb ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvī, ambulātum saying:
We are walking
What is Ambulāmus?
The mood of this verb: canite from canō, canere, cecinī, cantum.
What is imperative?
Make the adjective agree with the noun
Maritus, maritī, m.
"For the good husband"
What is maritō bonō?
Form the adjective, Armātus, armāta, armātum, to say:
By the more armed (men)
What is armatioribus?
Use the verbs to finish the accusative with the infinitive.
Stō, stāre, stetī, statum
Videō, vidēre, visī, visum
We see her standing
___________ eam ______________
What is vidēmus eam stāre.
The verb imperō, imperāre, imperavī, imperatum saying:
You are being commanded
What is imperāris?
The mood of this verb: canī from canō, canere, cecinī, cantum.
What is infinitive?
Make the adjective omnis, omnis, omne with the noun canis, canis, m.
By all the dogs
What is canibus omnibus?
The adjective, Brevis, brevis, breve saying
The lighter (things) (D.O.)
What is breviora?
Use the verbs to finish the accusative with the infinitive.
Dormiō, dormīre, dormīvī, dormītum
Videō, vidēre, visī, visum
They see them sleeping
_____________ eōs ________________.
What is vident eōs dormīre.
The verb palpitō, palpitāre, palpitāvī, palpitātum saying:
They are beating
What is palpitānt?
The verb ambulo, ambulāre, ambulāvī, ambulātum saying to walk.
What is ambulāre?
Make the adjective turpis, turpis, turpe (-i stem) agree with the noun fulmen, fulminis, n.
The ugly lightning bolts (D.O.)
What is fulmina turpia?
The adjective gravis, gravis, grave saying
The heavier (man)'s
What is gravioris?
Use the verbs to finish the accusative with the infinitive.
Videō, vidēre, visī, visum
Palpitō, palpitāre, palpitāvī, palpitātum
He sees the heart beating.
_______________ cor _______________.
What is videt cor palpitāre.
The verb iaciō, iacere, iacuī, iactum saying:
They are being thrown
What is iaciuntur?
The verb iaciō, iacere, iēcī, iactum saying:
(You all) Throw!
What is iacīte?
Make the adjective bonus, bona, bonum agree with the noun dies, diei, f.
The good days (D.O.)
What is diēs bonās?
The adjective pecuniosus, pecuniosa, pecuniosum saying:
The wealthier (women)'s
What is pecuniosiorum?
Use the verbs to finish the accusative with the infinitive.
aspicio, aspicere, aspexi, aspectum
Sanō, sanāre, sanāvī, sanātum
We look at the leg being healed.
____________ crus ________________.
What is aspicimus crus sanārī.
The verb relinquō, relinquere, reliqui, relictum saying:
You all are being left behind
What is relinquiminī?
The verb ducō, ducere, duxi, ductum saying to be led.
What is ducī?
Make the adjectuve mollis, mollis, molle (-i stem) agree with the noun versus, versūs, m.
Of the soft lines.
What is versuum mollium?
The adjective ruber, rubra, rubrum saying
The redder (thing)
What is rubrius?
Use the verbs to finish the accusative with the infinitive.
Monstro, monstrare, monstravi, monstratum
Tango, tangere, tetigi, tactum
You are showing the food being touched.
__________ pedem _________
What is monstrās pedem tangere?