Cover Letter
Career Options
This is the number of pages your resume should be.
What is one page?
You have an interview at 9 AM. What time should you arrive?
What is 8:45 AM or 8:50 AM?
You should make a new cover letter for every job you apply to (Y/N).
What is yes?
You need to bring these 4 things with you to your interview.
What is application, cover letter, resume, and transcript?
This is an example of the difference between a career and job.
What is the amount of time you work, the education/experience that is needed, your overall goal, amount you get paid (hourly/salary, part-time/full-time)?
You look up information on the company or organization you're interested in applying to.
What is research a company/organization?
Appropriate clothes to wear to an interview (name 2).
What is a blouse, buttoned shirt, skirt, dress, pants/slacks, dress, flats/heels?
This is a brief letter included with your resume that introduces you to a prospective employer.
What is a cover letter?
This is a type of decision where you make a quick choice with no consideration of the result.
What is a snap decision?
This was once a male-dominated career, but women have been making strides in it (they facilitated a workshop for program).
What is construction?
These sections are required in student resume.
What is education and experience, name, contact information, references, expected graduation date?
This is a type of technical skill you can acquire through practice that you can put on your resume. For example computer software (Google Docs, Excel, Microsoft Suite, etc.), operating a copy machine, etc.
What is an example of a "hard skill"?
These are the 5 parts of a cover letter:
What is a return address (your address), letter address (org/co address), salutation (hello), body (description of your skills), complimentary close (sincerely)?
A DPR mentor mentioned this method of calling a company or organization in order to get more information about how they function and to talk with somebody about being an employee.
What is informational interviews?
Which is an example of a job in the Hospitality and Tourism career cluster? A). Floral Designer B). Dry Cleaning Worker C). Hotel Manager D). Sales Manager
What is c.) Hotel Manager?
It is suggested that you omit your GPA on your resume if it is below this number.
What is 3.0?
Personality traits, personal characteristics (happy, energized, quick learner, etc.) that you can put on your resume.
What is a soft skill?
This paragraph in a cover letter talks about your specific skills that highlight your personal qualities and experiences that make you a good candidate for the job.
What is the 2nd paragraph?
This space is open for you to get help with your resume and cover letter.
What is Academic Assistance in Girls' Space?
As a 10th grader, looking to become a Graphic Designer one day, you can participate in these opportunities to make your dream career come true.
What is join a club, be a part of yearbook at school, intern at a company, make your own t-shirts, etc?
In describing your experience , you should begin each point with this kind of word.
What is an action verb (word)?
Name 2 things you should do before an interview.
Go over your resume and cover letter, practice answering questions, read job description, research the company/organization, prepare questions to ask the interviewer.
A cover letter should _________ the reader to look at your resume and application.
What is convince, persuade, entice?
Laura, the interview coach used to do this for her job prior to helping people get jobs.
What is a lobbyist?
A group of careers that are related.
What is a career cluster?