Check if the two decimals are like or unlike: 3.5 and 21.18
Check if the two decimals are like or unlike: 58.129 and 64.254
Check if the two decimals are like or unlike: 18.48 and 4.25
Convert the unlike decimals to like
2.123 , 2.5
2.123 , 2.500
Convert the unlike decimals to like
1.13 , 5.231
1.130 , 5.231
Convert the unlike decimals to like
3.210, 134
3.210, 134.000
Filll the with appropriate sign '<' or '>' signs.
1.56 ___ 3.56.
1.56 < 3.56
Filll the with appropriate sign '<' or '>' signs.
2.561 ___ 4.56
2.561 > 4.56
Filll the with appropriate sign '<' or '>' signs.
13.56 ___ 13.49
13.56 > 13.49
Write the followoing decimals in ascending order.
250.15, 100.26, 105.122, 100.05
100.05, 100.26, 105.122, 250.15
Write the followoing decimals in ascending order.
98.25, 98.16, 100.126, 100.25
98.16, 98.25, 100.126, 100.25
Write the followoing decimals in ascending order.
150.15, 99.16, 96.102, 99.05
96.102, 99.05, 99.16, 150.15