Chapters 1-4
Chapters 5-8
Chapters 9-12
Animals on the farm

How far away is Me's home from the Larson farm?

Me's home is 40 miles away from the Larson farm.


Why did Me fall asleep at the dining table?

He was exhausted from all the day's work and play. 


Who does Me fall in love with?

Elaine Peterson is who Me falls in love with.


What does Harris need help finding when he crashes off of the fast bike?

Harris needed help finding his bib overalls when he crashes off of the fast bike. 


Who is the crazy animal that will attack Harris if he's not watching, but won't if he is watching?

Ernie the Rooster is the crazy animal that will attack Harris if he's not watching, but won't if he is watching.


What is the name of the brand of tobacco that Harris steals from Louie?

Bull Durham is the name of the brand of tobacco that Harris steals from Louie. 


Who takes the blame for breaking the shotgun?

Me takes the blame for breaking the shotgun?


How many "dourty peectures" does Me have?

He has 7 "dourty peectures.


Who gets the "dourty peectures" as Me is handing them to Harris?

Louie gets the pictures.


What cow kicked Me?

Vivian is the cow that kicked Me.


Who sees Jesus in a peach tree?

Old man Knutson saw Jesus in a peach tree.


What animal attacks Harris when he is swinging from the rope and pretending to be Tarzan?

Ernie the rooster is the animal that attacks Harris when he is swinging from the rope and pretending to be Tarzan.


Who stole Harris's marble?

Hunsetter stole Harris's marble.


What did Me forget to do when Harris rode the bike down the driveway at a fast speed?

Me forgot to time Harris on his way down, and Harris wanted to know fast he was going.


What are the names of the two huge horses that "are the size of two triggers each"?

                                 Bill and Bob are the names of the two huge horses that "are the size of two triggers each".


How is Me related to Harris and Glennis?

They are second cousins.


What does Me and Harris get to do while Knute is mowing the hay?

They get to ride the team of horses and catch mice.


What girl does Harris possibly like?

Shirley Everson is the girl that Harris possibly likes.


In the cob war, who is Harris?

G.I. Joe is who Harris pretends to be.


Buzzer, the lynx, got his name from where?

Buzzer got his name from killing an old farm dog for food. The Larsons called him Buzzer because it sounded like a buzz saw.                                  


Possible triple points if you get all three things, double for two out of three, normal amount for one out of three, and zero for getting none of them.

What does Claire make for morning lunch?

Sliced fried potatoes, heaps of bacon, and two dozen scrambled eggs.


What is the name of the comic that Harris gets the idea to string rope around the farmyard and pretend to be Tarzan?

Land of the Dinosaurs is the comic book that Harris gets the idea to string rope around the farmyard and pretend to be Tarzan. 


What is the name of the bartender that works at the "town"?

Clel is the name of the bartender that works at the "town".


When does the sheriff deputy's car come down the driveway?

The sheriff deputy's car came down the driveway when Harris and Me were finishing their cob wars.


Which horse does Harris jump onto to play out the scene of Gene Autry?

Harris jumps onto Bill.