What’s my fav theme park? (I will take 3 answers)
Hershey, Disney, universal
What was my first word?
Who’s my fav Disney princess
Who’s the fav child?
How long is our school day? (Exac)
6 hours and 30 minutes
What’s my fav drink? (Not sodas)
Ice or Gatorade
What’s my favorite Halloween movie
The nightmare before Christmas
What’s my all time fav show?
Dance moms
How long have we lived in PA?
Almost 8 years
What specials did I have first marking period?
Art and carresr tech
What 3!! Dogs do I want (you have to get all to get points, I won’t subtract points, but you only get 2 guesses)
Pug, golden retriever, and wiener dawg
What vinyl do I listen to the most?
What are some of my other fav shows!?
Tsitp, the good place, stranger things
How many pets have IIIII had?
What teacher bullies children (joking)
Mr. Schoffler
What’s my fav adventure parks?
Urban air and thrillz
Did I want piriate booty or did I want to be piriate booty?
I wanted the booty
What is my most watched movie? (I’ll take 3 answers)
Tangled, mean girls, legally blonde
Who is more strict?
What teacher do I find the most annoying?
Mrs. bermel
Who do I give baskets to for the holidays?
Whats my go-to nail polish color?
Red mostly, but I’ll take green and blue as answers
What’s my fav movie decade
What cat lays with me the most?
What block did I drink a whole bottle of water in?
First block