Loving "voice" for Litzie Wright
Mr. Francis Hodge
Object with which Elson Farwell beats Cecil Stone's skull into a "flat pulpy mass"
A stone
This person states their intention to "live correctly."
Gilbert to Bevins
In what year does the novel take place.
Reason for the Bardo residents mass inhabiting Lincoln
To turn him back to Willie's tomb
Lawrence Decroix's food product, "the best . . . in the nation"
Who (in general) says, "How was I (how are any of us) to do other than that which we, at that time, actually do?"
The carapace people
"And we rode forward into the night, past the sleeping houses of our countrymen."
Thomas Havens
Age at which Willie Lincoln dies.
Illness that led to Willie Lincoln's death
Name that the "spirits" mistakenly give to son of the Barons.
Form taken by the spirits who come for Willie (on the night the spirits take different forms for everyone).
Ten mothers
"We must conserve our strength, restricting our activities to only those which directly serve our central purpose."
The Reverend to Vollman and Bevins
How many daughters/gelatinous orbs did Mrs. Ellis have?
Name one item that falls from the sky after Eddie Baron goes through the matterlightblooming phenomenon.
a racing form or an obscene cartoon
Final form of Elise Traynor
Wreck of a train car with people trapped inside and hogs underneath the wheels
Thing described as "noxious" and "dreaded"
The iron fence
" . . . of an evening they would sit on the grass around me and in their eyes burned the fiercest kindest Desire."
Elise Traynor
Number of days (approximately) that Lieutenant Cecil Stone has been in the Bardo
More than 20,000
Specific reason why the Bardo inhabitants line up in front of Willie's tomb the first time.
The loving way that Willie had been held and touched by his father.
After Willie dies, name the two living Lincoln children
Tad and Robert
Name of Lincoln's horse.
Little Jack
"But we can't go back. To how we were. All we can do is what we should."
Willie Lincoln
Number of weighty books written by brilliant Professor Edmund Bloomer.
Describe one of Lincoln's brief childhood memories.
(see pages 307-308)