Integers Part 1
Integers Part 2
Mean Median Mode and Range
In Montyville, the value of homes has experienced an annual increase of -2%. If the rate continues, what will be the increase in 10 years?
What is -20%
At 4 AM on Tuesday, the outside temperature was -28 degrees farenheit. By 4 PM it had risen to 38 degrees farenheit. What is the temperature at 4 PM?
What is 10 degrees farenheit
What is the range for this set of data? 14, 18, 19, 26, 45, 87, 17, and 40.
What is 73
Jesse ordered three large pizzas from the Pizza Parlor. He invited some of his friends over to eat with him. Including him, there were 5 people. If they each ate one half of a pizza, how much was left over?
What is one half of a pizza
Write 68, 000, 000 in Scientific Notation.
What is 6.8 X 10^7th power
Miranda earned scores of 84, 91, 95, 78, 92 on her math tests. What is her average (mean) score?
What is 88%
-12 X -160=
What is 1920
In this data, is there an outlier, and if there is what is it? 16, 29, 38, 42, 6, 12, 14, 67, 16, and 12.
What is 67
Change the mixed number to a percent: 2 1/4
What is 225%
What is 2 x 10^ -7th power
What is 0.0000002
At Larry's hotel, there are 26 floors. The cleaning crew cleaned from the lobby on the first floor, up to the 12th floor, down eight floors and then went back up 13 floors. What floor is the crew cleaning on now?
What is 17th floor
Cassie's foot was was a size two when she was six years old. When she stopped growing completely at age 18, her shoe was a size 10. By the time she was 90, her foot had shrunk 3 sizes. What size shoe does she wear now?
What is Size 7
John bought 5 birdhouses. They were $65, $19,$33, $45, and $20. What is the median price ?
What is $33
Kelly's teacher wanted to challenge her students. She put their homework grade in a fraction so the students would have to change it to a percent. Kelly made 7/8 on her paper. Round to nearest tenths and show what the percent is.
What is 88%
Compare using less than, greater than or equals to. 2.3 X 10^5th power * 1.7 x 10^5th power
What is 2.3 X 10^5th power is > than 1.7 X 10^5th power
At noon on Friday, the temperature was 0 degrees farenheit. Six hours later the temperature was -18 degrees farenheit. On average, what was the temperature change per hour?
What is -3 degrees farenheit
On a diet, Matt lost 6 pounds, John gained 4 pounds and Tasha lost 12 pounds. What was the total number of pounds gained or lost by the three friends?
What is -14 pounds
jeff made an 85, 92, and 65 on his three final exams. What is the average grade?
What is 80.66666667 %
Laura's father made an apple pie over the weekend. On Monday, Laura opened the refrigerator to find only 1/8 remaining. Her father made two more, and then gave 1/5 of one to their neighbors. How much do they have now?
What is 1 37/40
/ x/ - 3 if x= -5
What is 2
janet is baking pound cakes for a fundraiser. To completely bake them, she must add 10 minutes to the cook book's given time. if the recipe calls for one and one half hours of baking time, how many minutes total will they be in the oven?
What is 100 minutes
On a roller coaster ride, the first 30 seconds will take you up 200 feet, down 18 feet, and back up 23 feet. how many feet are you above the start now?
What is 205 feet
Over 2 years, josh measured the average monthly inches of rainfall. they were 12, 16, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 12, 11, 13, 15, 12, 12, 16, 18, 17, 10, 13, 12, 16, 12, 13 and 18 . Which is the mode in this set of data?
What is 12 inches
What is 1/5 X 6 7/8 ?
What is 1 3/8
What is the greatest common factor of 12, 48, and 72 ?
What is 12