What is Lindsey's favorite color?
What is Lindsey's favorite book?
Between Shades of Grey
What is the Venue called?
The Barn at Dunvilla (in Pelican Rapids)
Who made the first move and how?
Evan - saw Lindsey's hot Facebook profile pic and slid into her DM's
What is Lindsey's ring size?
What is Lindsey's birthday?
What is her sign?
September 15 1997
Virgin... sorry Virgo
What is Lindsey's cartoon crush?
Prince Zuko (but not with the ugly haricut)
From today, how many days are left before the wedding?
Name the date Lindsey and Evan became official.
November 5th, 2017
What was Lindsey's freshman dorm called?
What is Lindsey's favorite movie?
Frozen 2
Where does Lindsey want to visit/travel to the most?
Croatia, Italy
Where is the honeymoon?
Blue Fin Bay, Duluth
Florida Keys
Who said "I love you" first and how?
Evan - "within our first week of dating he was playing with my hair and I asked "what would you do if I were bald?" and his response was "I guess I'd still love you" instant regret on his face"
Lindsey - "It was a snow storm in River Falls, we went to clear snow off our cars. It was snowing, we were throwing snowballs, and it was such a special moment that I told him I loved him."
What was Lindsey's first car?
Black Minivan maybe a Dodge Caravan?
What is one of Lindsey's favorite hobbies?
What is Lindsey's favorite place to eat? Fast food and/ or Restaurant
Dairy Queen or McDicks
Punch Pizza
Name 8 members of the bridal party.
Lindsey - Tiara - Lauren - Ashley - Kailyn - Maddi - Caileen - Kira - Kalli
Evan - Alec - John - Mike - Aaron - Grant - Luke
Where is the craziest place Lindsey and Evan have hooked up?
At Evan's parents house while they were downstairs
What is Lindsey and Evan's dog's name? Bonus points if you can name 2 of his nicknames.
- Odes
- Odie
- Odie bo Bodie
What is Lindsey's favorite food, snack, and dessert? Points if you can name 2.
Shredded beer chicken
Chicken In A Biskit Crackers
Cheesecake (Turtle)
Name Lindsey's biggest turn off and/or pet peeve.
Bad breath
When Lindsey is saying something and the other person's response is "huh?"
What song will be played for the first dance?
"Honey Bee" from Steam Powered Giraffes
How many kids do they (does Lindsey) want? Bonus points if you can name them.
Lindsey wants 1 or 2 max
Girl - Rosella Lynn
Boy - Derek John
What is something Lindsey can't stand talking about/hates in general?
Tim and his dumb stupid values
- he's racist, sexist, homophobic, and stuck in the white male supremist past