Linear Kinematics
Projectile Kinematics
Linear Kinetics
Work, Energy and Power
This branch of physics is concerned with the motion of bodies
What is mechanics
This is the fundamental definition of motion, and the primary variable in linear kinematics
What is linear displacement: d = pf - pi
These are the two factors that contribute most to the vertical motion of a projectile.
What are the initial vertical velocity and gravity
This states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in the same state of motion
What is Newton's First Law
Force times the resulting displacement due to the application that force
What is mechanical work: U = F x d
Standing upright, all joints extended, palms facing forward
What is anatomical position
This is the rate of linear displacement over time
What is linear velocity: v = d / Δt
These three factors can be controlled only prior to release, and can be adjusted to modify a projectiles path through space.
What are initial velocity, angle of release, and release height
This must be present for a linear acceleration to occur
What is a non-zero net external force load
This is the primary unit of mechanical work and energy
What is the Joule
This is a representation of an athlete in a simplified performance environment, including relevant force vectors and other information needed to analyze motion
What is a free body diagram
When a change in linear velocity occurs, whether it is a change in magnitude, direction, or both, it is called this
What is linear acceleration: a = Δv / Δt
This component of the initial velocity vector remains constant throughout a projectile's flight
What is the initial horizontal velocity component
This is an object's quantity of linear motion, related to mass and linear velocity, and tells you how resistant an object is to being accelerated
What is linear momentum: L = m x v
This is the energy one possesses by virtue of one's position relative to the Earth's surface
What is gravitational potential energy: GPE = m x g x h
These are the two primary areas where biomechanical principles are applied
What are performance improvement and injury prevention
This is linear motion along a curved path.
What is curvilinear motion
Horizontal displacement of a projectile, also called "range", is affected primarily by these two factors.
What are initial horizontal velocity and flight time.
When a basketball player jumps and is projected upwards away from the floor, the floor is not similarly projected downwards. This property of matter is the primary reason the player and the floor do not accelerate in the same way.
What is mass (player has much less mass than the floor, and so even with the same force being pushed into both, the acceleration of the player is much larger than for the floor).
This is the energy stored in an object as it deforms, and returned as it regains its original shape.
What is strain potential energy: SE = 1/2k x Δx2
This is the study of body shape, size, and composition, and is important to understanding human biomechanical variability
What is anthropometry
When the linear translation of a body is accomplished by projecting forces by the rotation of limb segments, it is called this type of motion.
What is general motion
These two things are true at the peak of a projectile's flight.
Instantaneous vertical velocity is 0 m/s, and half of the total flight time has elapsed (the latter assumes a symmetrical flight path)
This is the force that propels your body forward and upward during walking, running, and other motions, and includes responses to your weight and any muscle forces you are pushing into a surface
What is the ground reaction force (GRF)
The rate of mechanical work per unit time, this property is important in determining how sustainable a particular type of physical activity is before it causes fatigue.
What is mechanical power: P = U / Δt